G++ error when compiling

My terminal output

make #define VERSION "0.A-3138-g2e987fb" mkdir -p obj g++ -DLOCALIZE -Wall -Wextra -g --std=c++11 -MMD -c src/action.cpp -o obj/action.o g++: error: unrecognized option ‘--std=c++11’ make: *** [obj/action.o] Error 1
Could anybody offer solutions to get this to compile? At least my repositories (Linux Mint 13) do not offer an update to g++.

This might do what you need: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=138950&p=738825

Save this as file http://pastebin.com/knaCtzW7

and run

Or replace string “OTHERS += --std=c++11” by “OTHERS += --std=c++0x” in your Makefile

That’s a temporary fix, but be aware it might break at some indeterminate point in the future.

Yes, this is a temporary fix.
I have old compiler(gcc 4.6) too. Right now complitation is working without problems.

Right way is update system or compiler. But this is such a painfull action :confused:

Not putting down the solution, it works for now. the pain of upgrading is why I put off the c++11 migration for over a year, at a certain point you just have to take that step.