Feature suggestion for a custom Map Editor

While I think a graphical map editor is a fantastic idea (which I’ve thought of creating myself at certain points), the potential for feature creep is huge. Were you thinking of keeping this as a smaller program for people that can navigate the JSON files or something full featured for complete beginners?

Off the top of my head, for something I’d want in a program like this:

MINIMUM (Basic Functionality)

  • import/export maps
  • choosing map size (24x24, 48x24, 48x48, etc.)
  • import palette file settings automatically from the map file or manually select palette when creating new map
  • work with and switch between multiple z levels
  • easy copy and paste of chunks of the map’s tiles
  • a way to view details or write notes about a specific tile in the palette as you likely have multiple versions of the same tile that spawn different items (ex - in the house palette there’s a dining room table and a hallway table)
  • item/vehicle/trap/etc. generation at specific map coordinates
  • displaying the x and y coordinates on the grid layout for easy reference, and also maybe with mouse hover?
  • ability to add additional furniture/terrain (including item spawns) to a specific map in addition to palette entries


  • create palette files, including browsing/assigning item groups to furniture/tiles
  • create nested chunks
  • browse and add nested chunks to maps, either by assigned symbol or coordinates


  • being able to switch between orientations (ie - north to south and south to north)
  • separate terrain from furniture tiles. more for organization and workflow
  • Being able to “paint” with the symbols but “preview” the graphic version. I’m likely in the minority, but I personally have no interest in painting with the tiles. However, it’s tedious reloading the game to view what I’m creating.

I’m sure you’ve already found this but I raised a few points in this thread for Hostile Architect as well: Hostile Architect - Location Builder Tool & EXTRA Locations Mod

Out of curiosity have you created many maps yourself?

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