Exmperimental: Redundant weapon steadying

Working up to max steadiness seems to not progress time. Just makes for redundant key pressing.

It passes time, just in much smaller increments than if you were pressing 5 to stand in place for a turn.

Keep mashing that . key and eventually you’ll see everything take another step.

Only after you reach max steadiness from what I can tell.

Each aim tick is only 10 moves, so that you can pass time in precise increments.

True. My bad.

It depends (or at least it should) from what sights you are using. Laser pointers have like 2 time points needed to take further aim, while the rifle scope is 10, if I recall correclty. Without mods, (aka iron sights) it should be said in the gun info screen. When you have reached max steadiness and continue aiming, it will skip 100 every time, regardless of what scope you have.