Error when trying to load my mod

My profession mod for a mobster shows up as intended in the mod menu, and a world is created with it just fine, but when I go to create a new character for this world, I get this error.

Debug: Error loading data from json: data/mods/Mobster_Profession/mobster.json: line 3:6: expecting string but got '{' [ { { ^ 10 10 "type": "profession", 10 Press spacebar...

Here is the code for my mod, I have attempted to fix this but everything I have tried wont work!

        "type": "profession",
        "ident": "mobster",
        "name": "Mobster",
        "description": "You were a part of the local Mafia before the Cataclysm, now your connections to powerful people mean nothing.",
        "points": 3,
        "items": {
            "both": [
			"skills": [
				"level": 3,
				"name": "pistol"
				"level": 2,
				"name": "driving"
				"level": 2,
				"name": "gun"
            "male": [
            "female": [

First thing’s first, you derped up and put the skills in the middle of the starting items definition. :V

Oh jeez, where were they supposed to be?

Above the items section, or…hmm. Mucking about with it to fix it. ^^"

EDIT: There we go. Second problem was an extra { at the start there.

        "type": "profession",
        "ident": "mobster",
        "name": "Mobster",
        "description": "You were a part of the local Mafia before the Cataclysm, now your connections to powerful people mean nothing.",
        "points": 3,
            "skills": [
                    "level": 3,
                    "name": "pistol"
                    "level": 2,
                    "name": "pistol"
                    "level": 2,
                    "name": "gun"
        "items": {
            "both": [
            "male": [
            "female": [

You have no idea how thankful I am for this!

It’s fine. With me the most common error is a missing comma, or one that’s someplace it shouldn’t me. Though I HAVE have surplus {s as well.

Also related, I’m sorely tempted to suggest a tommygun and fedora for style points. XP

For now im just going to be amazed that I made a mod that wasn’t craptastic for once. But maybe a little further down the line!

Hope it turns out well then. ^^