Doing Damage

Reading the “realistic survival” thread made me stop to think about how damage works in the game, and how it might be changed for fun and in a way that makes more sense.

Let’s get medical for a second:

Blunt Trauma: Crushing injuries are extremely difficult to prevent. Against high powered impacts, additional layers don’t really help much. It might take the edge off, but if I back-kick you in the stomach, you will receive a good amount of that damage directly into your torso unless you are wearing something that can distribute the force of the impact over a large area.

Even if you are wearing heavy padding, you are likely to receive bruising, pain, injury, and if the force of the impact is too great, you may end up with a dented suit of armour that is actively crushing your flesh and causing further injury.

Blunt trauma to the head is most dangerous, since the impact causes damage to the brain, resulting in concussion, nausea, dizziness, blindness, and potentially compression and death. When your nose starts leaking cranial fluid, it’s time to call it a day.

Other than this, however, blunt trauma is generally [less dangerous]. A car moving 30 mph hitting a human gives them a 93% chance of survival, even 40mph is an almost 70% survival rate. Your arms and legs can take a lot of low level blunt trauma without permanent, major injury, and most breaks do not risk your life directly even then. Your body and skeleton are extremely good at disseminating force from blunt trauma.

Cutting Damage: Cutting (and piercing/stabbing etc) injuries are extremely serious. A wound on an artery can mean rapid unconsciousness - I’m talking about literally seconds - and almost guaranteed death unless you receive immediate first aid. Extremities can be removed for massive trauma, and vital internal organs can be perforated, again, very easily leading to death without urgent medical intervention.

Even shallow cuts are dangerous. The blood loss from a number of shallow cuts, such as defensive cuts during a knife fight, slows you down and leaves you drowsy, slow, and diminishes your ability to fight and defend yourself. More importantly, every single injury is a potential site for infection. Even simple cuts on the environment, like metal wreckage, can lead to infection and death. Your skin is your most important barrier against the outside world, and in a survival situation in an unhygienic environment every single cut should be treated with care, disinfected, bandaged, and the dressing frequently changed.

Even if you’re lucky enough to avoid infection, every injury costs you fluid, energy, vital nutrients, and losing enough blood can straight up kill you all by itself - if you lose even 20% of your body fluid your body will enter hypovolemic shock and, yes, eventually die. Everything about cutting damage kills you.

Cutting damage is so damn dangerous that every major predator includes it somewhere in their repertoire, and humans became the dominant species on the planet around about the time they invented the spear.

Gunshot wounds: We can’t go without honourable mention to the Next Big Thing in human dominance. While bullet wounds share all of the worst things about cutting damage, they also cause hydrostatic shock - essentially the shockwave from the bullet striking you causes a travels through your bloodtream, harming surrounding tissue to make the damage even worse. Even a shoulder wound can cause serious injury, particularly to the lungs. The higher the calibre and force from the bullet, the worse the trauma.

If you’re lucky enough to be wearing protective gear, the effect is much less lethal, but rather than stopping cutting damage entirely, instead it is converted into a massive amount of blunt trauma in the region, and potentially even laceration. That’s if it stops the bullet at all - there is no such thing as a bullet"proof" vest.

What sucks even harder for your average victim is that most bullet resistant vests can’t protect very well against faster, light, rounds, and aren’t rated against shotgun shells at all (since the pellets fly at variable speeds they can very possibly penetrate the vest and cause injury), and worst of all, even when it stops a bullet, doing so breaks the fibres in vest irreparably, meaning it must be replaced.

Finally, most bullet proof vests are designed to stop bullets, not knives. They won’t do anything about knives.

So in summary:

Hard to prevent - Cutting and bullet damage that is stopped by armour becomes crushing/bruising damage, and generally most impacts will still penetrate through protective layers to cause some damage or bruising.
Least dangerous - Unless it’s hitting with a lot of force, or hits the right location, blunt trauma does not incapacitate the victim or kill them, despite being painful, until it gets accumulates enough to cause things like internal bleeding or broken limbs.

Easiest to prevent - Generally most types of armour through the years have been to stop blades. Thick animal hide, fat, fur, leather, hard plating and mail all serve to protect vital areas from cutting damage while either deflecting the force, or converting it into blunt trauma.
Extremely dangerous - All cutting damage can cause bleeding, infection, or severe, crippling injuries to internal blood vessels and organs.


Extremely hard to prevent - Kevlar vests are effectively one-use, and even then do not guarantee your safety, especially against smaller rounds.
Extremely deadly - Even getting winged can kill you. Guns are one of the most dangerous things on the planet.

I have a few ideas that I’ll put up later, but for now, I’m keen to open this up to discussion.

How might we represent damage types in Cataclysm in a way that properly represents the different levels of threat they represent?
Can we have something a system that manages to be broad without being overly complex? Obviously we don’t want Dwarf Fortress levels of simulation (unless you do?) but could an injury system be viable? Could it be worked into the combat system mostly “as is”?
I don’t personally think that having to disinfect every bite wound would be too fun, but maybe you’ve an opinion that it could be modelled in a fun way?
How might different enemies and creatures react to different damage types? Could this bring more strategy into the game?
Most animals (humans included) are very vulnerable to bleeding injury, but what about plants, mushrooms, zombies, or even giant ants? I’m not very familiar with insect physiology, but I believe arthropods can lose a limb or two and still be good to go?
Any people with hunting/medical experience (or I suppose “straight up murdering dudes” experience, I won’t judge) who can better explain the differences between the damage or given their own insight? I know at least one person in the realistic survival thread had some good points about how important bleeding was when hunting a target.

Looking forward to any thoughts you guys might have.

One simple way would be to add armor piercing to most bashing attacks.
Currently blunt attacks roll post-armor damage scaling (for player) and pre-armor damage (for monsters). Changing it to rolling armor penetration would make the damage against weakly armored characters more consistent (easier to balance, especially for early game), while making light armor (possibly up to survivor grade) less consistent and thus much less gamebreaking against weak zeds.

There are two problems with that, though: one is math (raw damage vs post-armor scaling vs raw penetration vs armor scaling), the other is the requirement to explicitly declare “bashing power” somewhere in the monster block, or at least being able to calculate it from new damage stat.

I do want it. I have been playing df a lot and the only thing that is bad about it is the players inabillity to even try to treat infection.
This is something we can do in cata.
So yes i would want it. But i am aware that i am probably not representing the majority of players.

df damage system is alien to cdda code. like a lot

it calcuates materials in a more exact way, then it uses simplified weapon and armor templates to calculate combat.

damage is measured by force and contact area, skill increases a kind of contact area, and muscle increases force.

rolls are random -150% variability random-, and skill reduces that.

damages are tallied in terms of % bp bruised, lacerated, burnt, etc. it is tracked over all tissue layers.

Totaled, a ‘status’ is applied to tissues when thresholds ate met. bruised v pulped v cut v seperated.

^^ thats a very simplified version of 40.x combat, sans dodge or a talk about metals too

Protecting from bash damage over ages were divided into two layers: 1st layer close to the skin was soft and thick - It worked just like a spring or shock-absorber, but since it was soft - it couldn’t distribute force over bigger area - for that there was 2nd, hard layer - like leather armour or metal mail. And said so - I have no idea how to implement that without some serious coding… I guess it should be like it is right now, or maybe add some property to outer layer clothes/armours that multiplies defense of inner layers?

Cutting attacks can cut through flesh or armour which could lead to a massive bleeding. This type of damage should be quite easy to prevent by using metal armours like chainmail, on the other hand it should have big penetration rate against all cotton/wool/plastic clothes.
Blunt attacks can smash objects- mostly kill by crushing all the bones or leave alive with long healing wounds. This type of damage should be easy to prevent by using stiff armours - like bulletproof jacket or iron mail.
Piercing damage can travel through armour and cause damage to organs or lead to bleeding. To prevent these you have to use bulletproof jacket or thick metal armours that will reflect these nasty bolts’n’arrows.
Gunshoot - I don’t know if it really needs any comment. You got hit - you either die, suffer heavy damage, get internal bleeding or even with bulletproof jacket you can get your bones crushed…

Hehe I’d also like DF levels of simulation :smiley: I believe there should be blood system in DDA. Bloodloss should lead to loss of stats, higher thirst, higher sleep requirement, higher illness possibility, worse concentration, slower movement, loss of conciousnes, but also less pain and bigger heat requirements.

Having to treat every wound would lead to more strategic gameplay. I personaly like how it works in Neo Scavenger or in UnReal World where you make herbal poulces and change bandages every day. I’d like to see broken bones that forces you to use splints for few weeks or severed hand that leads to hook-prostetic and a pirates’ “ARR!”.

I guess vs living things cut and pierce damage would be about bleeding out the enemy (they fight untill blood is pumped by heart to the brain, but after they loose one of these - they faint and die), while bashing would be about breaking all their bones and mostly cause faint through pain or death by brain damage; vs undeads/things with no blood - just like it works now.

Some good thoughts so far. Surprised to see several of you would want a high level simulation, but since that seems to be a lot of work, it might be best to investigate a more abstract system first.

Armour piercing on bluntness sounds like it has potential to emulate the “penetrative” nature of blunt damage, could something similar be done by tweaking the raw blunt value on armours and enemies across the board?

lordmatiz - You can currently, more or less, make herbal disinfectant now out of Wild Herbs. It’s very rare that you might need it, since enemies innawoods don’t generally cause infections, but I think we could definitely allow for a few more infection chances here or there without it becoming unfun for the player.

Anyway, a few of my own thoughts on the topic. Don’t be afraid to suggest refinements:

1: Blood and injury:

For simplicity, blood stat would simulate both internal “blood” supply, and “internal damage” - the general overall health for the lifeform’s major organs.

To represent this, for now, let’s assume that each creature has a blood stat equal to half their HP stat. The player, and other survivors, have a blood stat equal to their HP stat, possibly replacing “Pain”.

Blood has the following properties:

Recovers slowly, consuming hunger and thirst and vitamins to do so, as well as their Health stat.
Causes symptoms when damage is dealt to it, based on the amount of damage dealt (minor up to arterial bleeding, organ damage, nerve damage, dismemberment, and even instant decapitation).
Causes major symptoms when low (dizziness, slowness, unconsciousness, death).
Automatic death when it reaches 0.

Some symptoms would be self-correcting, other symptoms would require specific medical treatments and would get worse over time, some symptoms could be either (a concussion either gets better, kills you, or leaves you permanently diminished).

Regular HP has the following properties:

Minor damage recovers quickly over a good night’s sleep.
Causes symptoms when low (limp, weakness, winded, concussion, broken limb).
Broken bones consume calcium and vitamins to recover. Any further damage to broken bones prolongs their their recovery, causes extreme pain, and risks internal injury (aka: blood damage). Without medical treatment (at very least “sling”), they risk aggravating their break whenever they move. The worse that a limb is treated, and the worse the treatment given to it, the slower it will heal, and the higher the chance it will heal badly, giving permanent symptoms.

For some sample numbers (don’t get too hung up on them, they’re just an example and totally open to change):

Blunt causes 10% of its damage to Blood when it hits a torso. 50% of its damage to Blood when it hits a head.
Cutting causes 50% of its damage to Blood when it hits a torso or the head (the skull is well protected against cutting injury, and at the right angles can even deflect bullets).

Direct Blood damage causes Status Effects based on location.
Cutting Damage causes Status Effects based on location.
We’ll work on bullets later.

With this, “Blunt damage” that hits the head might well cause a bleeding injury or concussion, while “Cutting damage” would cause a great deal of cuts and other complications wherever it struck, in addition to location-based “blood” injuries.

Note: The majority of symptoms could be optional via a mod, for simplicity lovers.

“While Pan thinks of it” Side Note: Electrical, poison and smoke inhalation would be represented by blood damage and specific symptoms. Fire damage will start out causing HP damage (superficial burn), but rapidly progress to severe blood damage as it progresses to a full thickness burn. Special damage types also cause special symptoms, including symptoms based on existing symptoms. Standing in acid for 2 seconds causes Minor Acid Burn. If Minor Acid Burn is already present, then it worsens to Major Burn, and so on.

“While Pan thinks of it” #2: Piercing and stabbing would likely have their own “symptoms”, and deal less raw HP damage. This means they would rarely involve amputation, unlike cuts, or deal much major damage to a target. On the other hand, even a few points of piercing damage could cause severe bleeding, muscle or nerve damage, or extensive damage to internal organs.

An example how this might work in play (again, please do not complain about specific numbers, they are pulled from between my shapely cheeks and mean literally nothing):

[spoiler]Our Survivor is fighting Shia Labeouf.

The actual cannibal kicks them in the ribs for 10 Blunt Damage to the torso. 10% of Blunt Damage comes through as “internal” injury to the torso, so the Survivor has 99 Blood. They’re still pretty much fine. Low HP symptoms for the torso are much worse than low HP systems for arms and legs, though, so they’d better block the next one with a sweet Ju Jitsu kick.

Whoops, that didn’t work. Survivor takes 50 cutting damage on their leg from an axe.

Because of the amount of cutting damage received, they receive symptoms. They are now [heavily bleeding], and have a [Stump Leg]. They are losing blood rapidly (-5 blood per minute). The other effect of [Stump Leg] is that HP damage is doubled, so their limb HP is also reduced 0, resulting in a secondary symptom “leg injury”.
Fortunately, because it was a limb, and not the torso or the head, they do not take additional Blood damage straight away, so the survivor is still on 99 Blood. Their extreme pain causes them to have a [burst of adrenaline], allowing them temporarily added speed and strength, and helping keep them conscious. This will increase their fatigue later, but it’s a great thing during the fight, and helps them shank Shia in the kidney and escape into the night, still bleeding from their stump leg.

They hide in a bathroom. Their blood is now down to 49. Low blood gives them [Fading consciousness] - Even if they stop the bleeding, they are probably going to faint unless they get a medical treatment that stops it, like another risky injection of adrenaline.

They try to tie a bandage around the wound, but fail due to the severity of the wound. Partial success: They halved the blood loss during the two minutes while they were trying and reduced the severity a little, but still need treatment. Their blood is now down to 45.

[Fading consciousness] progresses to [Unconscious], the survivor collapses in a pool of their own blood. - The duration of fading consciousness here was random, so they could have stayed awake for a little bit longer, or even stayed awake until automatic [Coma] at 20 blood.

[Unconscious] reduces blood loss (makes blood loss more likely to stop). The player luckily stops bleeding at 15, but remains comatose.

While unconscious the body produces more blood (consuming the survivor’s meagre hunger, thirst and vitamin count), and after 10 hours, the player is back at 20 Blood. They are still comatose, and may still die before they regain consciousness from other complications.

After another 26 hours, the survivor regains consciousness. They have a [stump leg], that by now is probably also [infected wound: Leg] from the dirty bathroom floor, and they several minor cuts and scrapes from running through the woods from Shia Labeouf: [Scratched: Left Arm].

Their arm will probably be fine, especially after this long, but some disinfectant and a bandage would remove the symptom and prevent the risk of infection from running around in the mud, or reopening the wound. (How likely a wound is to meet further complications is defined by duration, so the closer a wound is to being fully healed by itself, the less likely it is to develop complications).
Their stump leg needs treatment - Either a peg leg, a medical prosthetic (CBM or not), or Mr. Stem Cell. The infection needs more urgent treatment - they have only a few days before the infection turns nasty, at which point leading to gangrene, amputation (Yes, even more amputation), blood poisoning or just fever and death.
Their secondary “break” also helps represent the fact that their leg is currently in a bad state - walking on the broken limb causes more pain, slows the player down, and needs treatment - at very least a crutch - to move faster than a crawl.

Most dangerous, their blood score is still very low - 38. Losing any blood in their weakened state has a good chance of making them faint, and they are slow, stupid, and their stats are in the 0s (note how many of the “Pain” symptoms would be moved towards shock and internal damage). They are as weak as a kitten, and must now try to survive and recover before seeking revenge on the Hollywood Superstar.

So in that example we can see a survivor take injury, escape, and survive by a thread. Most of what’s going on in that example are pretty close to what we have now, since things like status effects and secondary damage (pain) already exist.

The two biggest changes would be damage-based on-hit effects, which are currently, I believe, mostly handled as special attacks by particular enemies (special attacks would still exist, but may serve to modify any “damaged-based” effects.

The second biggest change would be the symptoms themselves. These would need treatments (starting simply, they would be "a"pply bandage, but could potentially expand to a “Treat Wound: Stitch [Bad Cut] with Tailoring Kit” type of situation if more detailed medical care could be handled without being a pain in the ass.


Does this adequately show off the difference for cutting versus blunt on an unarmoured target? Does more need to be done? Or is this too much detail?
If blood damage is serious bodily harm, and HP bumps and bruises, should HP damage naturally regenerate even while the player is awake?
Should HP damage enjoy “video game healing” from things like bandages? I wouldn’t be surprised if simulation lovers preferred at best “accelerated natural healing and treatment of symptoms” over “1 HP to max and now you look like the Mummy Returns”, but would this still be fun for everyone (this could be “Simplified Healing” moddable, of course)?

Since the idea isn’t to punish the player with menus and boring, but to give more opportunities for !!FUN!!, my initial thought about “treatment” would be something like “Simple Repair” from the Skill Grind Thread. “%: Menu. T: Treat Wounds. Y:es, treat all.”, three keypresses, and the character then automatically tries to treat all their injuries, from most to least urgent.
When they treat all wounds they can, (speed and success from First Aid skill, with possible “make do with worse tools” benefits with high First Aid skill), the game tells you either “all wounds treated”, or, if you don’t have the material to treat a condition, what resource you need to find.

Would this steamline things enough to keep gameplay fast and entertaining, even after hilariously screwing over your character?

2: Bloody NPCs.

I do not care that the bear has a concussion, I do not care that they have a torn ligament in their knee, and frankly, it’s not worth the effort for enemies that will die horribly. Likewise, it’s very unlikely that a zombie would care about anything until you beat it down until it was too damaged to move.

With that in mind, I would be thinking something along the lines of:

“Bloodless”: No “blood” at all. These lifeforms have no particular internal organs vital to their function. These things, like plants and zombies, must have their basic structure broken in order to stop them, and even then may not be “dead” at all.

“BloodLite”: Because of the properties of their bodies, these entities do not “bleed out” (or at least do so slowly enough we don’t care about it for game purposes), but they do contain internal structures that may be damaged by penetrating their defences. These would be Insects, robots, and fish, for example.

“Bloody”: These lifeforms lose function quite quickly in the case of exsanguination. This includes humans and other mammals. Being bloody does not necessarily mean they are vulnerable to cutting damage.

“Gooey”: These lifeforms have no specific interior structures, and no rigid structures that blunt trauma might damage. They do, however, depend on surface integrity to keep vital fluid inside. An example for this would be the blob.


When hitting an NPC, 10% of “Blunt” damage becomes Blood damage - Monsters are basically walking torsos.

Gooey monsters would largely be immune to blunt as a result, since only the scratch damage would matter. Their HP is effectively over 9000, but the small amounts of shock to their membranes would eventually rupture them.
Bloodless monsters would be quite vulnerable to blunt trauma. When HP = 0, they fall down same as now.

Bloodlite and Bloody monsters would suffer small amounts of internal injury. When their HP is 0, or their blood is 0, they fall down, and they experience penalties based on damage to their blood stat, just as the player would. Unless anyone feels very strongly about it, they could be assumed to die of their wounds at 0 HP, since animals are generally much more prone to death by shock than humans, who are actually extremely durable, and any blood damage they took would effect them just like it would the player - lowered speed, accuracy, damage and evasiveness.

So for blunt damage, generally life would carry on much the same. They would deal physical trauma, maybe deal some minor secondary injuries to weaken the target, but would almost definitely kill them with HP damage.

Outside of Gooeys, Armour against blunt damage would be rare - whether because all blunt damage is armour piercing or just because very few creatures have any means of dealing with blunt injury. Hard shells are great against cutting damage, but only well-padded creatures, like a fat, shaggy bear or moose, would have any great protection.


When hitting an NPC, let’s say 20% of “Cutting” damage also becomes instant “Blood damage”, but successful injury also causes Bleeding, making the victim lose that much Blood per round (minimum 1?) until they stabilise. “Piercing” damage is more likely to cause internal injury, and bypass armour, so perhaps it could cause 100% of its damage as blood damage, and bleeding, but only deal a small amount of normal HP damage in general?

Anyway, Gooey monsters monsters would obviously suffer here, since they would rapidly lose cohesion and mass from their membranes, especially against the deep blows inflicted by piercing arrows and blades.

Bloodlite monsters don’t bleed, so cutting would work slightly better at injuring them internally than bashing, but many of the giant arthropods have heavy chitin (or metal) that works better against cuts, so it might be worse than bashing damage unless you have a blade that can successfully bypass their armour and deal serious blood damage. Piercing works pretty well against arthropods (ask a wasp), so as long as they could penetrate the armour the high amount of internal damage they deal would probably kill the victim through Blood damage without having to work through their HP.

Bloodless monsters don’t care about cutting damage, so the only thing here is the downsides of cutting weapons - Blades get stuck or blunt, and any armour they have is probably reducing Cutting damage more effectively than blunt. Piercing would suck, because of their middling HP damage.

Finally, Bloody monsters would act much like a survivor, and like every terrestrial animal on the planet, and really pile on the internal injuries until they die, whether from blood loss death of a thousand cuts style, or neatly bissected in two by an angry highlander wannabe with a claymore.


I believe this could work at least partly off the pre-existing “traits” system monsters use, since they already have armour vs the two types, and immunities based on tags, but could this be achieved without needing to add a secondary health stat to the monster? I couldn’t think of a way that worked well enough without it, and this gives the potential for a lot of variety in monsters by tweaking their Blood and HP proportions.

How might bleeding be determined for length and intensity,? I don’t fancy “realistically” chasing prey for hours on end while they finally bleed out, but stabbing a bear to death with a pocket knife that does very little HP damage but kills a bear through blood loss (as per a news story where a man basically did just that), or “shooting a deer that then runs into the woods and needs chasing to where it dies and tracking it by the blood trail before rain washes away” both sound pretty cool to me.

Hopefully it’s clear that I’m trying for balance as well as realism here. Have I succeeded? Is there a good reason for a player to want a combination of different damage types if possible?

Is that enough detail for you? Animals bleed and die, or get dissuaded and run, based on how much blood damage they’ve taken, while NPCs and the player are tracked more precisely? Is there anything simpler that could be done?

Next post (curse you, length limit), will cover armour and guns.

3: Armour

Working off what Lordmatiz mentioned about layering and defence:

Piercing weapons should be more likely to penetrate armour than cutting armour (that’s what they’re for), with the most chance of dealing Major Injury (and for a poisonous creature any piercing damage is a chance for poison), but it’s binary - either it bypasses armour or it gets deflected.

Bashing weapons are very difficult to take NO damage from. Padding helps, but hard armour is important too, since collapsing plates takes the energy out of an impact.

Cutting weapons are sort of a middle ground between the two. They can’t bypass armour weak points like piercing, but they’re less


Armour has values against Blunt and Cutting, as it does now, with properties defined by material, creature, and properties of the armour.

Layers with armour are important, because different armour works against different things.

If armour protects against cutting damage, “50%” of the cutting damage is then applied as Bashing damage to the target’s armour.

Piercing and stabbing ignore a percentage of cutting protection (let’s say 5D10% for both as an example), and for certain armour, like mail, they ignore it entirely (based on item property tags) - They do not distribute their damage over to blunt damage if they do not penetrate, making them all or nothing, wait for an opening, type weapons.

Bashing damage itself is probably the most awkward to represent, since it’s actually quite thresholdy. You punch Marty McFly and his Stove Lid in the stomach, he’s not going to feel it. You use a sledgehammer, he’s going to break several ribs, have trouble breathing, and generally suffer a lot of damage. Let’s say for now that bashing weapons have “reverb”, so for every 10 poiints of damage, they deal 1 point of HP damage that ignores regular armour.

From here, how they interact would probably fall to the armour type you used, which would fall into three obvious types:

Rigid Armour (generally any Hard Material, like chitin, metal or ceramic):

High cutting protection.
High* bashing protection.

Example: Steel plate. Cutting 30, Bashing: 10, RIGID property.

Rigid armour is good against low level bashing damage, so most unarmed strikes (and most cutting damage that comes from as bashing damage) will be stopped without harming the wearer.

If Rigid Armour is subjected to any blunt or cutting force that exceeds its defence rating, it’s going to take damage. This damage would effectively lower its coverage, since the damaged area is no longer going to offer much defence against blunt damage, and the damaged location likely has been compromised in terms of its ability to resist slashing or piercing damage.

On the other hand, like the crumple zone on a car, this is a great thing for preventing injury. For now, let’s say that in the act of being damaged, Rigid armour bashing defence triples .

So Jack hits Jill in the chest with a sledgehammer for 32 damage. Her plate armour takes away 10 damage and crumples. Crumpling takes away 20 damage. Her armour is now crushed right up against her skin, so any further damage in that area is going to go straight through to her body and cause damage directly.

Finally, because of reverb, she takes 5 damage, three unstoppable damage, and two that exceeded her armour. A nasty bruise, that.

Flexible Armour (any cut resistant material that doesn’t disseminate force very well, such as chainmail, polymers, or leather):

High* cutting protection.
Low* bashing protection.

Generally you can expect a lot of variety depending on the material here. A leather touring suit actually gives quite decent bashing protection and cutting protection, but it would have a lot of trouble stopping a knife thrust.
Meanwhile Mail gives almost no bashing protection whatsover, but is almost as good as plate mail for stopping cutting damage.

This type is defined as being hard to damage with blunt trauma, but unlike rigid armour they cannot be “ablative” in protection the wearer.
Generally cutting damage that exceeded its protection rating would be the main cause of damage to the garment, so something like chainmail would last a very long time, but its wearer might have some pretty extensive bruising underneath.


Leather Touring Suit:
12 Cutting, 9 Bashing.
25 Cutting, 0 Bashing.

Jill hits Jack in the arm with her spiked baseball bat for 10 Piercing, 15 Bashing damage. Jack’s leather touring suit stops 10 of the bashing, but 1 point is unstoppable, and the rest goes straight through. The piercing spikes ignore half his cutting protection and pierce the material, and making him start to bleed. Jack takes 10 HP damage and has a bleeding injury from the 100% piercing damage. He’s lucky it wasn’t his chest.

Cushioned Armour (soft, springy materials, such as fleece, hair, foam, and other fabrics):

Low cutting protection.
High bashing protection.

Last of the standard armours, cushion armours are going to be hot, unpleasant to wear, and uncomfortable.

They have high decent protection, but again, like Flexible, that’s all there is, it doesn’t significantly increase.
They have very little protection against cutting damage, and any cutting damage the garment takes is very likely to damage the fibres and limit its ability to protect you.

Most importantly, cushioned armour works against Reverb damage, but if you aren’t wearing enough armour to reach Reverb levels then it won’t matter.


Fleece Doublet:
2 Cutting, 15 Bashing.
Reinforced Spidersilk Vest:
10 Cutting, 25 Bashing.

Jack and Jill, unbalanced from their battle, tumble down the hill and hit their heads. Jack is wearing a Rigid, Cushioned Motorbike helmet with 16 blunt protection. He impacts for 50 damage. The helmet buckles, reducing damage by 48. Jack takes 2 damage (rather than the 5 he would have taken from reverb), and 1 of that becomes blood damage (how about “Trauma” as a name for this damage type? It’s less clunky than saying blood all the time). Even 1 blood damage on the head is enough to cause a minor symptom or two, but he’s far better off than the unhelmed Jill, who now has a skull fracture and a compression.

4: Guns.

Finally to talk bullets a second. Since I’ve not really covered bullets, the most immediate and obvious thing is that they deal a high amount of piercing damage (if a sword is 30 cutting damage, and a rapier or arrow is 10 piercing damage with “ignores 5D10% armour” and “special piercing extra trauma”, then a bullet is 20 piercing damage). Secondly for modern firearms would be a Brutal Tag, which makes limb injuries cause part of their damage as internal injury to the torso as well for even more secondary damage effects.

While you can get fancier, with high trauma, low penetration hollowpoints, and so on, these traits alone should make bullets extremely dangerous, since they would represent high internal damage, severe injuries from piercing, decent HP damage at range, and so forth. It’s also very theme appropriate, since guns offer the fewest benefits against those bloodless enemies that were mainly responsible for conquering modern humanity - Zombies, Triffids, and Mycus.

Concerning armour, then, the most important properties of a bulletproof vest are:

Great at stopping bullets being lethal - But you “will always crack your ribs”.
Bad against cutting damage - It’s not a knife vest.
Good against general blunt damage - Many of the times an officer’s vest saved them was in car accidents, where the steering column slammed into their chests.
Bad against smaller, faster, rounds.
Extremely ablative.
Not perfectly reliable.

With this in mind, let’s start with:

Kevlar Vest: 20 Bludgeoning, 2 Cutting. Rigid, Bullet Proof.

Bullet Proof: Bullets that hits this garment without the additional “Armour Piercing Round” flag have a [Bullet’s Base Damage]D10% chance of having their damage doubled, and converted into bludgeoning damage.

This works out that:

Stronger rounds are more likely to be stopped.
Smaller, faster rounds are more likely to penetrate.
Because they are doubling the damage of the bullet, and converting it to blunt damage, the player is very likely to take a huge amount of blunt damage to the chest - including a large amount of Reverb Damage.
Because the high damage is likely to exceed 20, the vest’s Rigid property is likely to kick in, damaging the vest.

A bullet proof vest reliably (but no guarantee) saves the wearer from huge piercing damage and the likely death that would ensue from large rounds (but that much damage all at once probably means they’ve cracked a rib or two, and the bruising is phenomenal), but at the same time offers very little protection from mundane threats such as knives.

That’s actually a pretty good representation of a bullet proof vest right there, I feel, so I’ll stop there (I’m pretty sure I’m at the length limit again anyway). So yeah, again, look forward to any comments, suggestions to improve on these, or your own ideas on how we might do it better.

If you take a decent round and double its damage you will get huge ammounts of blunt damage to the chest if you double it after it is stoped by a vest.

take 270. winchester with 67 dmg : 67x2=134. Unless that bulletproof vest also provides arround 40 bash resist this will kill most survivors outright. They would be better of to take a normal hit to the torso without armor then.
Even standart 223 bullets do over 40 dmg. Which could potentialy be deadly even if your vest stops them.

I am not saying that a bulletproof vest should stop a rifle round from killing you… I just think that your survival chance should at least be higher and not lower.

I would suggest that you turn it into bashing dmg 1x1.

[quote=“Pantalion, post:7, topic:12465”]3: Armour

If armour protects against cutting damage, “50%” of the cutting damage is then applied as Bashing damage to the target’s armour.[/quote]

just make it 100%. After all this ammount will then get mitigated by the armors blunt deff value.

If you still take dmg then … at least you wont have cut.


I read that you aparently want to change the values for bulletproof vest and dmg of bullets too.

That could work out i guess.

Calculating bullet dmg is no easy task for sure.


I wouldn t simulate bashing protection increase from crumbling rigid armor like that. Seems not worth it.

Having armor have more deff in perfect condition seems to be enough. You already wear armor close to your skin. So the most bashing absorbtion would be when the plate stays stiff and all of the blows force is distributed across it and maybe absorbed by the padding underneath over the whole area the stiff plate covers. If it crumbels you might get a huge ammount of the bashing pushed against you throught the dent … depending on how much space is between you and the armor you are wearing.

Theres some exceptions i guess. I seen some armor designed to take gunshots perhaps? which had rediculess shapes.

If you take a decent round and double its damage you will get huge ammounts of blunt damage to the chest if you double it after it is stoped by a vest.

take 270. winchester with 67 dmg : 67x2=134. Unless that bulletproof vest also provides arround 40 bash resist this will kill most survivors outright. They would be better of to take a normal hit to the torso without armor then.
Even standart 223 bullets do over 40 dmg. Which could potentialy be deadly even if your vest stops them.

I am not saying that a bulletproof vest should stop a rifle round from killing you… I just think that your survival chance should at least be higher and not lower.

I would suggest that you turn it into bashing dmg 1x1.

Ah, thanks for catching that. x1 could certainly work, though, but that’s one important change that I probably didn’t make clear enough - HP damage to the torso and head would not be fatal to the player anymore.

So even if damage was left the same, and you took 134 shot damage right to the chest, your vest would crumple to stop ~60 of it (20 Kevlar x3 because it’s rigid), you would have take 74 damage (assuming you’re not layering, which you could).

Pretty much every survivor would have extremely low Torso HP at that, potentially a broken torso, and at least 7 trauma from that 10% of 70 blunt damage to the torso, plus any bonus trauma if there’s “overkill” damage against the broken torso.

But unless they’ve already been injured, or they get shot again, they should actually have a really great chance to survive. You’d have broken ribs and a lot of bad symptoms from the trauma, but you should be able to survive some broken ribs, and they wouldn’t require any treatment to heal (though they will have very serious debuffs you could do nothing but live with until they heal).

Alternatively, what would you think about symptoms being caused by large amounts of blunt damage all at once, the same as cutting or piercing damage? That way you could potentially have “40 damage at once” be to cause all the bruising and broken ribs without having to double anything, and maybe have the vests slightly less powerful against regular blunt damage (they’re pretty good, but not supposed to be really that great compared to more specialised armours).

just make it 100%. After all this ammount will then get mitigated by the armors blunt deff value.

If you still take dmg then … at least you wont have cut.


I read that you aparently want to change the values for bulletproof vest and dmg of bullets too.

That could work out i guess.

Calculating bullet dmg is no easy task for sure.

100% sounds fine by me. I was mainly just trying to give numbers so everyone could see how the system might look, so I wasn’t really thinking too hard about balance.

And you’re right Piercing/Stabbing damage from all sources would probably be lower than they are now, since they’d be getting a massive buff against most targets from the trauma damage and armour piercing. I’m not sure how things would work with special attacks or martial art attacks either, to be honest, since a lot of them just revolve around dealing ridiculously high amounts of HP damage.

I wouldn t simulate bashing protection increase from crumbling rigid armor like that. Seems not worth it.

Having armor have more deff in perfect condition seems to be enough. You already wear armor close to your skin. So the most bashing absorbtion would be when the plate stays stiff and all of the blows force is distributed across it and maybe absorbed by the padding underneath over the whole area the stiff plate covers. If it crumbels you might get a huge ammount of the bashing pushed against you throught the dent … depending on how much space is between you and the armor you are wearing.

Theres some exceptions i guess. I seen some armor designed to take gunshots perhaps? which had rediculess shapes.

Yeah, most modern bullet proof vests are designed around “crumbling” to some extent. Police vests basically have to be replaced after taking even one bullet because they convert as much of the bullet’s energy into destroying the fibres of the vest as possible, rather than your chest.

While I like the idea and it does work well for showing that type of gear, you’re right that it’s excessive to include this for all rigid armour when the crumple zones would be pretty minor.

So, reviewing things:

Maybe the bashing resistant version could use an ABLATIVE tag that’s restricted to things like kevlar and ceramic or something? Damage to the plates in these armours wouldn’t really change how much damage they stopped - when they work, they work really well - but every blow the vest took would make it that much less likely to block the next attack.

Meanwhile what if things like Chitin and Steel plate had resistance to cutting damage turning into blunt when stopped? Part of the reason that plate armour is good against blades is because it doesn’t just stop the force dead on (like mail armour does). Instead, when a blade strikes them, the plates redirect the most of the force to one side. So while a chainmail guy would take bruise after bruise, the plate armour guy would redistribute the force of the blow better, so they’d only take half the blunt force or less.

This would make rigid armour much more useful against cutting (which it was supposed to be), and since damage to the plates would worsen its ability to divert blades and handle the force from blunt, so heavy blunt weapons would do extremely well against them (again, as should be). When the plates were damaged, the properties of the armour change, and it can no disperse damage across its plates as well, so leading to reduced cut and blunt defence you suggested?

[quote=“Pantalion, post:9, topic:12465”]Ah, thanks for catching that. x1 could certainly work, though, but that’s one important change that I probably didn’t make clear enough - HP damage to the torso and head would not be fatal to the player anymore.

So even if damage was left the same, and you took 134 shot damage right to the chest, your vest would crumple to stop ~60 of it (20 Kevlar x3 because it’s rigid), you would have take 74 damage (assuming you’re not layering, which you could).

Pretty much every survivor would have extremely low Torso HP at that, potentially a broken torso, and at least 7 trauma from that 10% of 70 blunt damage to the torso, plus any bonus trauma if there’s “overkill” damage against the broken torso.

But unless they’ve already been injured, or they get shot again, they should actually have a really great chance to survive. You’d have broken ribs and a lot of bad symptoms from the trauma, but you should be able to survive some broken ribs, and they wouldn’t require any treatment to heal (though they will have very serious debuffs you could do nothing but live with until they heal).

Alternatively, what would you think about symptoms being caused by large amounts of blunt damage all at once, the same as cutting or piercing damage? That way you could potentially have “40 damage at once” be to cause all the bruising and broken ribs without having to double anything, and maybe have the vests slightly less powerful against regular blunt damage (they’re pretty good, but not supposed to be really that great compared to more specialised armours).[/quote]

I would compare the blunt damage to your strength stat. Say you take 1x strength blunt dmg to the chest you are winded. Take 2x blunt dmg break a rib.
3x You get knocked over break a rib and suffer from internal bleading.

That way we can also simulate sturdier builds especialy from mutations like for instance cattle which shouldn t breakl a rib as fast as a regular human.

Hm or make it a % of max hp.

Symptoms soung good to me.

Taking such a hit should however also trigger an adrenalin spike or else you ll be unable to get away from whatever hit you that hard for sure.

[quote=“Pantalion, post:9, topic:12465”]Yeah, most modern bullet proof vests are designed around “crumbling” to some extent. Police vests basically have to be replaced after taking even one bullet because they convert as much of the bullet’s energy into destroying the fibres of the vest as possible, rather than your chest.

While I like the idea and it does work well for showing that type of gear, you’re right that it’s excessive to include this for all rigid armour when the crumple zones would be pretty minor.

So, reviewing things:

Maybe the bashing resistant version could use an ABLATIVE tag that’s restricted to things like kevlar and ceramic or something? Damage to the plates in these armours wouldn’t really change how much damage they stopped - when they work, they work really well - but every blow the vest took would make it that much less likely to block the next attack.

Meanwhile what if things like Chitin and Steel plate had resistance to cutting damage turning into blunt when stopped? Part of the reason that plate armour is good against blades is because it doesn’t just stop the force dead on (like mail armour does). Instead, when a blade strikes them, the plates redirect the most of the force to one side. So while a chainmail guy would take bruise after bruise, the plate armour guy would redistribute the force of the blow better, so they’d only take half the blunt force or less.

This would make rigid armour much more useful against cutting (which it was supposed to be), and since damage to the plates would worsen its ability to divert blades and handle the force from blunt, so heavy blunt weapons would do extremely well against them (again, as should be). When the plates were damaged, the properties of the armour change, and it can no disperse damage across its plates as well, so leading to reduced cut and blunt defence you suggested?[/quote]

Yes this is how they should work.

They take enough blunt dmg they get damaged.

I am not sure how to handle piecing weapons like spears though.
Their primary advantage is reach, lower surface area of a hit and the abillity to use it like a lever to bring down a stabbed foe.
They should have more ap then straight cutting weapons. But It shouldn t be to much . Its already hard to even stab through chainmail.

Maybe the should get a chance to bypass the armor entirely by hitting a weakspot? Like You got platemail but you stab someone inbetween the plates and hit whatever is underneath that first layer.

We already have the coverage system… hmmm.

Maybe attacks and weapons should have a modifier on the coverage your armor provides.
Like a Sword could be Neutral .A baseball bat could increase the coverage of the armor it hits making it less likely to bypass all protection with a weapon that uses as much surface area in a strike.
And a knife would lower the coverage in a stabbing attack as it is much easier to stab someone in a weakspot with a pointy object.

Maybe i am making this overly complicated :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow Pantalion, you really took some time writting this :smiley:
1.1 Blood in stead of pain - totaly, absolutely NO. Pain is great stat. If it hurts - it’s harder to do anything. If it hurts a lot - you faint. I’d like to see pain stat on each body part - if your hand hurts it’s much harder to draw a bow.
1.2 Also I think that “internal damage” should be counted either as normal body part damage, but counted as “critical” or Rim World’s style - each more important body part has its own function in game and if damaged it gives debuff to certain stat - getting stomach damage makes your digest worse (less nutrients from food) or getting hit in lung makes your movement slower (as if your stamina replenish slower and you exhaust faster), and so on…
1.3 Properties: yes, yes, yes… But to blood reach 0 you’d need to dry yourself for nice few days :smiley: Humans have 5-6 litres of blood in body, and loose of 1/5 (20%) of it causes hypovolemic shock.
1.4 I don’t agree with blood damage proposition. Makes totaly no sense to me. IMHO blood is fluid and body is container- if you get that container leaky then fluid escapes it over time (not instantly). Blood damage should be DOT (damage over time) which depends on hit. If you have cutting/piercing weapon it’s easy to cause bleeding, which depends on body part that were hit, bludgeoning damage would cause no bleeding unless you crush some internal organs. Generally the higher damage the higher chance to make more serious damage to internal organs and/or veins. While cutting damage would be easier to deal (bandages, first aid kits, etc.) then blunt damage should be mostly untreatable (or maybe by some digested/injected medicines). Bullet damage should depend on some rng calculations - bullet can either hit target and stay in body (all bullet power transfered into body) or enters body and exits on the other side (only part of energy is transfered into body…)
1.5 I agree that most non-physical damage should deal at first only normal damage and then blood loss (thermal, electric, chemical, radiation) but some damage should so the opposite (poison, venom, toxin) at first blood damage and then body damage.
1.6 Fight with SLB is total abstraction. When you get cut yout don’t pop balloon with blood. You watched Rocky Balboa too many times xD But if you swap instant blood damage with stamina- it would be much better.
1.7 Treating lots of wounds quotidian be pain in the ass, but menu with options,: clean all, disinfect all, treat all and option to open list of all wounds and specify how you want to treat them (shallow cut: clean with clean water, weak alcohol , herbal tea; disinfect with strong alcohol, disinfectant, treat with medical tape, bandage).
2.1 I think that if there is no simulation level like in DF (cut off arm, leg, etc.) then monsters should have their own hp (zombies have “blob” which “fixes” body until ithe has some goo left).
2.2 It should interest you if a bear that is going to stretch your bottom has injured leg (slower run, faster exhausted). I’don’t like Rim World level of simulation here: get your leg injured- you move slower; get your hand injured-you manipulate slower; get your jaw injured- you eat slower; get your heart inured and you loose stamina faster; etc.
2.3 I don’t see why gooey things should be immune to blunt damage? IMHO their hp stat should be integrity and while cutting weapons can cut their cells, blunt weapons can splash them around (hope you understand what I mean). They should be mostly immune to bullets. Again you think of them as of balloons,while you should think of them as of jelly.
3.1 There should be no cut into bash damage things. Mainly because all cutting weapons has bashing property which represents sheer power of strike. On the other hand it should be closer to 0.05 or 0.1 not 0.5 blunt per cut damage.
3.2 Piercing and stabbing? xD that’s the same thing. And let’s face it- cut protection like chain mail gives absolutely no protection to arrows. It’s better to have bash protection (after all first bullet proof best was made out of many layers of silk).
3.3 I like the idea of armour types. Preety much realistic, but I don’t like idea of crumpling rigid armours… It’s not like if you bash that mail once it won’t provide any more protection.

TBC :smiley:

Okay, so threshold damage:

“If target takes [10%] HP damage to a bodypart they receive a [Symptom].” 25% Bad symptom, 50% Extreme Symptom?

Honestly anything that’s taking 50% of its max HP in a single shot is probably done for next round or two, so that sounds good as a general rule of thumb for blunt damage.
For cutting (and piercing), this should probably be halved, since it’s much easier to cause serious harm, and the [Symptoms] should generally be much worse, much more quickly. Even 1 point of cutting damage would cause minor bleeding, and by the time you start dealing 50% damage or more to a limb at once you’re talking about permanent crippling injuries.

For symptoms based on Trauma loss, having it be based on a percentage of max Trauma makes sense too. So when you hit 50% blood you start getting woozy.

Finally, for direct Trauma damage (piercing or cutting hitting the torso or head, blunt hitting the head), I’m inclined to say strength and HP doesn’t matter at all, but symptoms come from any direct Trauma damage, the higher the damage, the more serious. Things like a concussion or punctured kidney will still happen no matter how strong or tough you are, even though you can potentially deal with the consequences better with higher HP/Health/Strength.

[quote=“Valpo, post:10, topic:12465”]I am not sure how to handle piecing weapons like spears though.
Their primary advantage is reach, lower surface area of a hit and the abillity to use it like a lever to bring down a stabbed foe.
They should have more ap then straight cutting weapons. But It shouldn t be to much . Its already hard to even stab through chainmail.

Maybe the should get a chance to bypass the armor entirely by hitting a weakspot? Like You got platemail but you stab someone inbetween the plates and hit whatever is underneath that first layer.

We already have the coverage system… hmmm.

Maybe attacks and weapons should have a modifier on the coverage your armor provides.
Like a Sword could be Neutral .A baseball bat could increase the coverage of the armor it hits making it less likely to bypass all protection with a weapon that uses as much surface area in a strike.
And a knife would lower the coverage in a stabbing attack as it is much easier to stab someone in a weakspot with a pointy object.

Maybe i am making this overly complicated :P[/quote]

Actually, if that’s something that the engine can handle, coverage penalties could be a great, simple, way to model how different weapons work.

A rapier doesn’t just “make armour less effective”, it’s very precise, and easily slips through the gaps to bypass armour entirely. “Armour Bypass” tag - Armour has [25%] less coverage as far as this is concerned, survivor armour has a 1 in 4 chance of giving no protection (again, this emphasises layering). The biggest downside is that monsters, as far as I know, don’t have coverage, their armour always applies, but a 25% chance to ignore monster Protection Values would still probably work.
A pike, on the other hand, relies on thrusting power and leverage to punch through armour - Pike has “Armour Penetration” quality - A [25%] chance to halve the Armour protection value of the target.
Lastly, an ordinary knife spear or arrow doesn’t really do a great job bypassing armour, though it’s dangerous to unarmoured targets. It has no special property, it just deals stabbing/piercing damage normally and depends on the power of the spear thrust.

We could make this more complicated (like armour which is resistant to Bypassing or Penetration, hit bonuses, speed of attacks, or pikes getting accuracy penalties against nearby targets), but for now, imagine we have something like:

Target has 25 cutting protection, 100% coverage metal armour.

Rapier: 10 damage,
Pike: 20 damage,
Knife Spear: 18 damage.

The rapier is unlikely to hurt the victim if it hits their armour, and will not do much bruising through the armour. On the other hand, it can bypass armour 1 hit in 4 to deal all its damage at once, meaning a lot of Symptoms and bleeding (potentially even OHKOing the target by piercing their heart).

The Pike hits a lot harder than the rapier (physics!). It still won’t penetrate the armour very easily, but will deal some blunt bruising, and might even deal a few points of piercing if they roll very high damage (at which point things will get easier as their enemy’s armour gets damaged). When it does get armour penetration, it ignores 12 points of cutting defence, so the target takes 7 piercing damage - almost as much the rapier, and damages their armour, making future attacks either more likely to hit (decreased coverage), or more likely to damage (decreased P.V).

Finally, we have the Knife Spear, and you can see why it’s a starter weapon. Even though it has high damage and reach. Even though it’s stronger against unarmed enemies than the rapier, the only way it can stand against a heavily armoured, competent opponent is with extra precise, extra strong, hits.

Doing it this way would also help the current “power creep” inherent in weapons. The different weapon properties would make “end game” weapons for the player be the ones best ones for the job (and how they want to do that job) rather than the ones with the biggest damage number.

You’re not wrong.

1.1: Note that removing Pain as a numbered “stat” doesn’t mean I’m talking about removing pain from the game. In fact, Pain" could serve very well as a symptom in itself, as could “Adrenaline” (making them slightly unreliable, rather than encouraging players to take injuries to help them in combat).

This would allow exactly the “locational” pain you mentioned, and pain that goes away after a period of time, and can be treated with local pain relief (numbing salve), reduced (aspirin), eliminated (morphine). Black Widow Venom: Can only be treated once, with the appropriate antivenom. Causes insane agonising pain to all body parts, so bad you can’t even sleep.

1.2: This is certainly possible, but ultimately there aren’t many “vital functions” in limbs, so wouldn’t this basically work out as more or less randomised penalties all keyed off of torso damage? It might work well if something like threshold damage could be implemented though.

1.3: Blood reaching “0” wouldn’t mean that you had no blood left, but rather that your body did not have enough blood remaining to function. So the drop from 100 Blood to 0 Blood would actually only be 1-2 litres. This is why it might be better to call it “Trauma” or something, blood can get confusing.

Also I think that “internal damage” should be counted either as normal body part damage, but counted as “critical” or Rim World’s style - each more important body part has its own function in game and if damaged it gives debuff to certain stat - getting stomach damage makes your digest worse (less nutrients from food) or getting hit in lung makes your movement slower (as if your stamina replenish slower and you exhaust faster), and so on…

1.4: Alright, let’s break this back to what we’re trying to represent. I think with the threshold damage I talk about with Valpo above we can possibly model this better now.

1: Your body is a container. Totally agree. It contains blood and other important things to survival, like major blood vessels and organs. We’ll measure this as “Trauma”.

2: Your body is also a structure. Your bones, tendons, and muscles, the minor blood vessels in your body, and the fatty tissues that protect your nerves and squishy precious organs. We’ll measure this as “HP”.

For bashing damage, the majority of the damage happens to the structure of your body.
For piercing damage, very little happens to the structure of your body, but it has a very good chance of hurting major organs, causing trauma and death.
For cutting damage, it’s both, but not quite as well.

Bullets, since they hit very hard, might cause things like broken bones (major damage), but generally they are piercing damage, and deal a huge amount of internal damage, not very much structural damage.


HP: Recovers on its own. You should naturally be regaining HP hourly, or possibly even faster. Even limbs with bad [Symptoms] would recover HP (your broken arm is no longer bruised and battered) though those symptoms may make them extremely vulnerable to future damage (getting hit in your break ruptures blood vessels and your arm is now in agonising pain). Consumes resources to heal, but not very many. From 0 HP to full: Three days rest.

Trauma: Recovers very slowly. Long term trauma can build up from repeated injuries, poisonings or blood loss. For game purposes you could perhaps use things like Blood Packs to “heal” your trauma score (this is more fun for the player than six months of bed rest from an accurate simulation). Consumes resources to heal. From 1 Trauma (I ain’t dead!) to full: Two week’s (one season) rest, assuming you die from symptoms.

Symptoms: These would depend on the source, and location, of the problem. They might make a bodypart take more HP damage, they might cause trauma damage over time, or cause secondary symptoms.

HP threshold: If you take a lot of structual damage to a body part, it stops functioning as well, and it stops protecting you as well. To model this, falling below 100, 80, 60, 40, 20%, 0% give symptoms. The 0% symptom would effectively serve to increase the severity of any further damage to the limb, making worse symptoms much more likely to occur. HP symptoms for the head are especially severe, and cause a great deal of Trauma damage directly.

Trauma threshold: If you incur a lot of trauma, your body naturally goes into shock, you faint, and you die. Again, to model this, below 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% would carry their own symptoms, generally those revolving around going into shock, fainting, or coma. Trauma symptoms may be extremely severe in themselves, like heart attack due to blood loss needing urgent treatment or causing even more trauma, so this can easily turn into a death spiral.

For HP and Trauma, symptoms are binary (threshold: Stat below X%), or triggered when high percentage of damage is taken at once (intensity).

Blunt weapons: High damage (Do a lot of damage to HP/Structure).

Because they deal high damage, they will naturally cause threshold and intensity symptoms to the limbs.

Cutting damage : High* damage (but unlike blunt trauma this falls off very quickly against armour and turns into bashing damage, so this works out more like a “medium”). Cause [cutting symptoms] from hitting, based on how much damage is dealt.

Piercing weapons: Low damage stat (even against unarmoured targets they deal fairly little structural damage). Any damage they do deal is distributed directly into blood vessels, deep tissues and major organs. Cause [piercing symptoms] from hitting, and 10 Piercing damage would be several times more severe than 10 Cutting damage.

An example of how intensity might compare:

25% Damage to Head: Dizziness (Threshold: Head HP < 80%).
Intensity symptoms from 25% head injury at once (would accumulate every 5% of damage done): Pain (minor, head), Reeling (short duration uncontrolled stumble for a few rounds, -2 Perception), Bleeding Wound (Head, losing 1 Trauma per minute due to blood loss). Ringing Ears (Hearing effected).

25% cutting damage to an arm:

Gimped (Threshold: Arm HP < 80%, penalty to blocking and weight capacity).

Intensity symptoms from 25% arm injury at once (every 5%): Pain (minor, L. Arm), Scrape (L. Arm) (bleeding, lose 1 Trauma over the next five minutes due to blood loss, higher potential for infection), torn muscle (L. Arm) (penalty to arm use), Numbed (L.Arm) (nerve problems, even more penalties to arm use), Minor Bruising (L. Arm) (increases HP damage lost by a small amount, may escalate to major bruising or cause pain to increase if aggravated), Adrenaline Rush (your body’s adrenal response is trying to help you fight in response to the pain with strength and dexterity bonuses. You got sort of lucky, this could have been Shock).

Intensity symptoms from 25% cutting damage (rolled from its own list of Cutting Symptoms): Severed Thumb (L.Arm) (This causes a bunch of other secondary symptoms).

Finally: The player took cutting damage (any), so add 1 grade to any “bleeding” severity. The Scrape and Thumb wound, let’s say, are severity 1 and 10 respectively, so the player is now bleeding, L. Arm, severity 12: (Heavy!!) and taking 12 trauma per minute.

Finally, 5% piercing damage to the torso:

No threshold symptoms (the bodypart is at 95% health).
No intensity symptoms.
Intensity Symptoms from 5% piercing damage - Piercing deals 1 injury per %, rather than 1 injury per 5%, so the target now has: Ruptured Blood Vessel, Scratched Lung (Instant Trauma damage, plus blood loss, plus minor stamina reduction), and Deep Wounds (causes bleeding, and makes bleeding less likely to recover without treatment).
Finally, the player took piercing damage, so add 1 grade to bleeding - Let’s say that lot is now Bleeding: Severity 9: Heavy!

As can be seen, 25% intensity could either be “five minor effects”, or “one major effect”.
This could be accomplished by having injuries come from a “pool”. So for 25%, you now have a pool of “5 injuries”. 5 minor injuries, as in the Piercing example, isn’t as dangerous, though lots of small symptoms can also aggravate into worse symptoms.

Roll [Injury]D6 and look up a symptom. So in this case, 5D6.
The symptom has a severity (Bleeding Wound, Severity 2).
You now have 3 Injuries left. Roll 3D6.
Symptom: Bruising (1 Severity).
2 Injuries left. Roll 2D6 and so on.

Meanwhile (Severed Thumb: Severity 5). This reduces the pool to 0, so stop rolling with a single injury.

So Severity 1 symptoms would be 1-6, Severity 2, 7-12, Severity 3, 13-18 and so on. Six (possibly repeated) symptoms for each grade.

This gives lifeforms the chance to survive high damage with comparatively minor wounds, and in cases of extreme misfortune, multiple minor wounds can keep aggravating the same symptom and make them become severe.

Bullets can work find within this same system simply by acting as piercing damage (with possibly “Projectile Only” complications, like [stuck in the wound]), but with better HP damage. They’ll have more chances of causing the extra intensity damage to the limb, but generally it will still be the piercing that kills you (and makes you want to wear a bullet proof vest).

For a “Simple Heath” system, all except threshold symptoms could also be replaced by simply causing trauma damage directly - based on the symptom location. Individual injuries are abstracted into numbers. Even in a simple health system, injuries like bleeding wouldn’t cause structural damage to the limb (as happens now). Even pain would be abstracted away, leaving you with something even simpler than we have now, for those who’d like a more “traditional” roguelike experience.

Lastly, for monsters, we don’t care about injuries, we only care about how well they fight, and how quickly they’re going to die. So we abstract in exactly the same way as the Simple Health system does, but without bothering to roll. Blunt causes lots of HP damage with 10% trauma. Cutting causes medium HP damage + 25% trauma (and 10% of damage as bleeding per minute). Piercing causes low HP damage + 100% trauma (and 100% of damage as Bleeding per minute).

Animals get standardised penalties as they lose trauma, straight up die if either trauma or HP = 0, and certain animals can ignore either HP damage, Trauma damage, or Bleeding. Done! If you fight the same monster several times, it might have regenerated HP, if it’s a living or regenerating creature, but will have the same blood stat, so you will eventually kill them through trauma - there’s a lot of scope here without adding any more complexity.

1.5: Taking this system and applying it to the other damage types is also pretty simple, you just add custom [Symptoms] to whatever the damage type is (nothing says the player needs to be able to see their own symptoms, either). Poison doesn’t necessarily kill or risk your life directly at all, so it might be as benign as “bitten by a spider: Self-worsening numbness symptom that is also aggravated by extra bites until it passes through your system”.

Meanwhile contact with acid/fire/shock causes its damage and increases the intensity of any Burn [Symptom]s.
Fire burn needs treatment to stop you taking trauma and other secondary symptoms (pain, blisters, loss of fluids, entering into shock, risk of infection, necrotised tissue, muscle destruction, disfiguring scar). - Treat with things like clingfilm and burn bandages.
Acid burn also has the chance of the burn increasing in intensity by itself until it stabilises or is treated. - Treat with washing the affected area with water (the player shouldn’t be coming into contact with any chemical dangerous enough that this is a bad reaction) to stabilise, then burn bandages or clingfilm once stable to protect from infection.
Shock damage is mostly internal burns, they cause more severe trauma, don’t have many external symptoms beyond the burn sites and cause a lot of paralysis/numbness type symptoms.

1.6 SLB?

1.7 Regarding treating lots of wounds, I was thinking even simpler than that, at least for the player. So you have from the above examples:

Fading Consciousness (blood loss).
Heavy Bleeding (L.Arm, Torso)
Bleeding (Head)
Missing Thumb (note this is separate from the actual blood loss aspect, since we’re assuming you deal with that first)
Severed major blood vessel.
Various minor stuff that can’t be helped, numbness, bruising, torn muscles, and the bad, but untreatable, scratched lung.

Treat All Wounds Y/N?.

No takes you to your wounds and lets you pick one to treat, from beginning to end.

Yes handles all wounds in terms of survival priority:

Fading Consciousness is highest priority. Treat with Adrenaline Shot. You now have some time before passing out, and might avoid it altogether if you can stabilise.

Pain is next, because it slows you down and is quick to treat, dealing with pain early in our simulation helps you treat yourself quicker. You take some pain medicine to take the edge off the pain, and this changes the pain symptom to “Medicated” so you don’t OD treating it over and over again.

Heavy!! Bleeding torso is next (torso bleeds give more blood loss, even though it’s lower intensity): Treat with bandage type medical item (this isn’t a medical simulator, so we’ll keep it fairly simple). Each item has a speed, and how much bleeding it can treat at a maximum. Despite your injury giving you a first aid malus, Bleeding severity is reduced by 6, down to 3.

Next most severe is now Arm bleeding. Treat arm blood loss. Bleeding Severity reduced by 5.

It’s still more severe than your torso, now, so treat L. Arm again. Bleeding stops (you’ve essentially applied first aid, put a tight bandage around the wound, and will deal with your thumb later).
Your arm bleed is now replaced with “untreated wounds” and added to the list (low priority down there with Scrape).

Finish treating your torso bleeding down to 1 severity bleed. You’re out of bandages. You’ll now ignore bleeding injuries and go to the next

Head bleeding has now stabilised on its own due to time passing. It’s replaced with an untreated wound.

Next is Missing Thumb. If you managed to pick it up, rather than it being swallowed by your attacker, then: Interrupt: Try to replace [Missing Thumb]? Y/N? Yes: You will try to stitch it back on, with penalties based on how much time passed since it was removed (defined by its freshness stat, since as we all know, thumbs are edible and delicious). Complications such as gangrene, blood poisoning, permanent nerve damage and having to amputate it again anyway are all very possible, so you shouldn’t attempt this without a sky high first aid skill.

If you lack the thumb or refuse, then you will instead apply stitches to close the wound (without which you have a high chance of the wound destabilising and causing more bleeding), and then move onto severed blood vessel for the same.

Finally, untreated wounds are treated with disinfectant. These are arm based, so one unit of disinfectant treats the scrape, and the untreated wound of the left arm, and the severed thumb, then another for the two torso wounds (stitched blood vessel and untreated wound), then finally one for the scratch on your head.

The untreated wounds become “undressed wounds”. Undressed wounds are at no immediate risk of infection, but might get dirty again, especially if you move around swamps or sewers. Assuming you found some more bandages (your NPC buddy brought you some), then dressing the wound can be considered final. It’s been dressed, protected from infection, and the character can be assumed to handle anything else “offscreen” while they’re pooping. Likewise, undressed and untreated wounds will heal on their own in a day - unless they develop complications.

With nothing left that it can treat, the Heal Loop Ends (the player can also interrupt it manually in case of enemies or snack emergency).

However complicated that might appear at first glance, it would actually be completely simple for the player (press three or four buttons), and fairly simple to code, since it’s just the same type of item and skill checks the game already performs and a temporary “untreatable” flag that would be attached to any symptom to let the loop ignore it.

the blob healing the zombies isn’t the only thing. you, the survivor, are infected by blob as well. this is what lets you heal massive damage with a good night’s sleep. if you die you come back to life, but as a zombie since dying lets the blob get a hold of your brain. this means that anything that isn’t almost instantly fatal can be recovered from. bullet to the arm? clean it out and put a bandaid on it. ruptured intestine? just don’t eat for a while so it can seal.

Superfast healing isn’t supposed to be a blob infection thing, just a simplification to avoid having to sleep for a whole week just to heal up from being beaten up by a bunch of regular zeds.

If nothing else, that’s a good example of how we can use fluff to justify features. “The blob in living creatures is a symbiote that helps heal injuries more easily, and when the host undergoes brain death it takes over and goes into ‘Hivemind Murder Mode’”. This behaviour “makes sense”, and lets us justify ignoring anything that’s unfun (or that just isn’t worth adding to the simulation), all for the end goal of making a better game.

Redressing wounds? No need, blob healing. Put a bandage and some antiseptic on it and it’ll be healed over before you need to worry about that sort of thing (though perhaps we could have scars, to intimidate and terrorise NPCs?).

Permanent nerve injury taking weeks to heal? Blob healing, so the player won’t have to spend weeks in rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy to recover from broken limbs? Blob healing, your arm is good as new as soon as the bone finished knitting back together, no muscle atrophy or anything.

Frostbite making your extremities drop off? Blob healing, your necrotic tissue actually dies, reanimates while still attached to you, then gets reintegrated back into your body when you warm up and your body heals the damage. (This could also justify “easy reattachment” of a dismembered limb so long as you reach it in time).

It would make sense :stuck_out_tongue:

Deviating from “Bigger picture concerns” for a moment, I have to ask. What’s the bashing damage on hafted weapons supposed to represent? Googling some of these bad boys shows:

Halligan Bar: Two razor sharp spikes at 90 degree angles from one another. We’re talking a good 2-3 inches long.

Ice Axe: Sharp, serrated murder spike.

Pickaxe: Foot long, sharp, metal, spikes.

[Fire] Axe: Sharp, metal blade on a stick.

For the Halligan Bar you could notionally use the back (for… dealing with stab proof armour or something?). For the others, the only way anything blunt comes into contact with the target is by intentionally misusing the item, or whiffing and hitting with the half.

In one way we could suppose that this is supposed to represent the “oomph” behind a weapon, but any oomph involved would typically result in directly more cutting force being applied.

Perhaps this could this be represented through other weapon properties, thoughts anyone?

It’d represent sheer force of blow, since these weapons (at least most of them) are quite heavy, and swinging heavy things causes bashing damage :slight_smile:
Ofc it could also be used when weapon has few “types” of attack like sword - you can either slash (clean cut), cho (cut accompanied by high force of hit), thrust (piercing attack) or even grab blade and use cross guard or pommel to… to pommel enemies xD

Hm. Yeah, that’s a little strange for something like an ice axe. There’s not much to it except spike and murder, but it only deals a tiny amount of cutting damage and more bashing damage than a 2-by-sword.

This also represents a big change that would needed to be accounted for in this thread’s damage model then, since the ability to add more force to a blow with a cutting implement would be very easily handled as “Add more cutting damage”. Heavy axes might be harder to connect with the business end and easier to block by parrying the haft, but could potentially have a much higher damage stat than a broadsword, which is a more versatile, yet lighter, weapon.

A bit more off topic (but still well within the realms of damage) - how up to date is GAME in terms of things like weapon stats, Coolthulhu? I’ve not managed to get through the 0 skill fabrication recipes and none of the weapons so far have matched up to what the design guidelines say they should be.

Makeshift Machete: Should be -1 to hit (-2 base, +1 decent grip, +0 10" blade, -1 Line of Damage, +1 Balanced [blade]),
Makeshift Glaive: Should be +0 to hit (-2 base, +1 decent grip, +2 length [10" blade + 4’ length of wood], -1 line of damage, +0 Neutral Balance), 22 damage (16-25 - Dangerous tools or crude dedicated weapons), Material should be Steel, Wood, should not conduct electricity.
Cudgel: Correctly +2 to hit (assuming it’s a 36" singlestick cudgel), but as a “Dangerous tools or crude dedicated weapons” it should be dealing at least 11 damage (11-15, Tools not meant to strike and improvised weapons. Two-by-fours, pointy sticks, pipes, hammers), rather than “not weapons” category. - It’s also heavier than the 2-by-sword, despite the obvious.

Since I’m going through them anyway, would it be helpful if I were to consolidate weapon stats as I went through? Or is the design doc outdated and I’m applying the wrong rules?