Disc golfing fun <3 and a couple random questions on that note

My fiance found a disc golfing disc in his game , so naturally we’ve been making our own disc golf courses with archery targets and playing rounds together, (disc golfing was our first date IRL so it’s been a nostalgia thing for us since before we found cataclysm lol) it’s hella fun. I was honestly wondering if anyone else has done this, and maybe if people are interested we could set up a super awesome secluded disc golf course and have other people play on it, like idk a multiplayer server of some kind, or something… I’m pretty sure that’s possible, right? I honestly don’t know atm I’d have to do research, but my fiance made it sound like a possibility, if people are interested let me know :slight_smile: with that in mind, I was wondering if, with high level of throwing skills, is it possible for the disc to curve around a tree or other obstacles with a single throw? Our characters aren’t very high level yet so I wouldn’t know but so far it seems like it only goes in a straight line unless it hits something and bounces :sweat_smile: My last question is , are there craft-able disc golf baskets in the game , or already procederally generated courses out there somewhere? The archery targets are working just fine already, but it would be cool to have real baskets.

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While almost nothing is absolutely impossible in an open source project like this, multiplayer is one of those things that rapidly approaches crossing that line. There was a multiplayer mod a couple years ago that sorta let characters share worlds, but they couldn’t actually exist alongside one another. Just their changes to the world applied, killing things and dropping items, etc. I think that mod is dead now, as the site references I can find have expired and are just squatting redirects now.

There was a project to rewrite CDDA in Python with multiplayer support, but a quick skim of the activity shows that its either dead, stagnant, or developing at a pace that would make Star Citizen proud. To be fair, CDDA is huge and trying to replicate it instead of forking it is near madness.

I was wondering if, with high level of throwing skills, is it possible for the disc to curve around a tree or other obstacles with a single throw?

I’m not aware of any behavior that allows thrown objects to curve, the flight characteristics of disks aren’t being simulated, its being treated the same as throwing a rock or a can. As for baskets, While I’m not aware of any, modding them in would be a relatively easy thing for you and your fiance to do.

Its pretty great to see something small like this really strike up some passion in someone, but I’m 95% sure that the disks were just added as clutter objects when roofs were added to buildings, so expectations should be set appropriately. I don’t think anyone expected folks to do more with them than scrap for plastic.