As the game currently is, all characters are always standing up straight and never move from that position (They don’t even lie in bed, they stand on them with the covers over themselves). In addition to running, I’d just like to add two new movement options: crouching and going prone. They would have several potential applications I can think of of the top of my head:
- Tie in with the stealth system that was mentioned to be in planning, once it is implemented.
- Hide behind windowsills or stuff like that to close curtains without exposing oneself to the entire zombie-filled street.
- Hide behind things in general.
- Go prone to reduce damage from explosions.
- Take cover from gunfire, make oneself harder to hit.
- Lie down on rooftops (with the new and future Z-levels) for better aim with guns and such and to be harder to spot.
- Crawl and hide under a car, a bed, a table, stuff like that. (Would also apply to certain enemies, like the Crawling Zombie. They’d be much more interesting if they could hide under cars and surprise grab your ankle or something.
- Move after being knocked down without having to take a turn to get up.
- Crawl/crouch to avoid smoke or poison gas.
And many more, I’m sure. Of course, there’d be costs to doing so.
- Crouching would make one much slower, and crawling even more so.
- If they allow one to hide behind waist-high terrain, they’d also reduce sight range, and hide anything behind said cover to them, unless they specifically “peek out” or something like that.
3)They would also heavily screw with melee combat, making a crouched or prone character nearly useless in melee and makes them far easier to hit and attacks far more difficult to dodge, while making ranged better by allowing one to stabilize the gun and minimizing recoil. Really, you shouldn’t have to fire a Sniper while standing up.
4)Going prone in the snow would be a sure way to hypothermia.
5)Getting up from being prone or crouched takes time, which may be precious when you’re mobbed by zombies, and you might even be knocked back down as you’re getting up. And crouching should make one more unstable on their feet, easy to knock down by enemies.
6)Any number of actions would be impossible while prone or crouching, such as dragging vehicles, etc.
So, what do you guys think about this? Is it something you’d want in the game? I’d be glad to hear ideas as far as how to implement this. Also, is it a feasible proposition, coding-wise?