Charged and Discharged Storage Batteries have large weight difference


Storage Battery Weight Difference

Strange bug. Technically a fraction of a fraction of weight is added for real…nothing even near something you would perceive.

Yeah, I figured all the additional electrons wouldn’t add like 80 pounds. :stuck_out_tongue:

isn’t this technically accurate anyway for some batteries?
a very small weight difference, at any rate.
you’d need a very sensitive measurement device to notice though.

it’s a small difference, but i’ve seen people measure it accurately with tools available to most common yokels, it’s small, but possible to read without a lot of issue.

yes, but even the largest battery in the world doesn’t change by 100 lbs between charged and uncharged.

Wasn’t this due to the game internally taking a charged storage/car/medium/etc battery like it was loaded with batteries(the small ones ammo type)?

Yep. same reason a loaded gun magazine weighs more than an unloaded one.

A gun is understandable, but this obviously is an exception. :stuck_out_tongue: So It maintains itself as a bug report. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just found a storage battery that weighs 434 pounds lol XD

I PR’d a fix.
But it’s blocked by another bug, regarding vehicle slowdown calculations.

[quote=“TooDAMNMuch, post:4, topic:13881”]isn’t this technically accurate anyway for some batteries?
a very small weight difference, at any rate.
you’d need a very sensitive measurement device to notice though.

it’s a small difference, but i’ve seen people measure it accurately with tools available to most common yokels, it’s small, but possible to read without a lot of issue.[/quote]

Reference please.

I don’t see a reason why storage batteries (lead-acid type usually) should be heavier when charged unless what I learned from chemistry books were wrong.
Weight difference? Maybe. You know, some water(if any) might be electrolyzed in the process. So they might actually be losing weight.

Technically electrons can have weight volume if significant. But nothing you would even feel.


That means what? Please explain being blocked? 0_o

totally irrelevant, how much is the largest change in game, anyway?[quote=“ZoneWizard, post:12, topic:13881”]Technically electrons can have weight volume if significant. But nothing you would even feel.


That means what? Please explain being blocked? 0_o[/quote]

feel no, measure, certainly, it’s not a negligible amount, i can’t say how much exactly without more research than i’m interested in doing at the moment, but it was enough of a difference that UK television program top gear were able to weigh batteries to measure fuel consumption differences without any specialized sort of weighing equipment, i’d imagine the difference to be in grams or kilograms at most but it’s not like they needed overly sensitive lab equipment.