Changes to scent, zombies, zombie dogs, noise, and hiding in town

The Granade of the Broken Kevin or the Ballad of the Broken Granade, what’s the difference. :smiley:

[quote=“GlyphGryph, post:1, topic:3591”]So, the current scent mechanics are … weird. And nonintuitive. And don’t, imo, make for particularly fun gameplay.

Your character sort of has this intense bubble of scent around him at all times, and it both builds and fades incredibly quickly. It also doesn’t even fill the viewable area at the lowest level.

So I think: Scent needs to build more slowly on neighboring squares, diffusing from high level squares. Scent needs to last longer, with high level squares the player has actually passed through lasting a day or more. Eventually, if a player spend several days in an area, scent should permeate it and any spawning monster with a keen sense of smell should know the player is there.

I also think zombies should no longer have such a good sense of smell. In fact, I’d favour removing it for detecting normal player smell completely. Zombie dogs however, would keep their keen sense of smell, and follow scent trails.

Since zombie dogs can’t (or shouldn’t be able to) knock down doors or otherwise overcome barriers, if the path for following a scent trail leads through one, they should start howling and otherwise making noise, attracting a mass of zombies capable of pushing through (but also warning the player that their hidey place has been compromised)

What do people think?[/quote]

Yeah, rotting corpses that can smell you over their own decomposing flesh is a bit immersion breaking. Zombie dogs howling does seem like a good idea, maybe nerf their speed/attack or HP or something, but have them howl repeatedly when on the hunt to draw a crowd to ya.

If you smelled like rotting flesh, it would not hamper your ability to smell other things either. Sensory stimuli that you are continuously exposed to become desensitized. That is why you stop hearing a vent fan in a room, why you generally don’t smell your own human smell, and interestingly, why you cannot see the blood vessels that crisscross in front of your vision. (There is a way to see them, as it happens)

There is nothing ‘wrong’ with zombies being able to smell the player.

Aside from a gameplay perspective at least.