Cataclysm Season

What would the benefits and drawbacks of acid clouds as tiles be? I am not thinking very far ahead at the moment, but I really like the scenarios KA101 just described.

Yep, that’s the idea.

Acidic rain & gas surges (Acid Rain, just like the old days, and the portal spews Thick Toxic Gas) lasts about four hours, surge happens every 12-24 hours, 5x5 map tile square centered on this particular Nether portal.

You’ve got at least four hours from the time the rain stops to get in and either under cover (and gas mask for the gas) or grab & get going. That ought to be enough for a PC with a plan.[/quote]

This would be a lot of fun.

A foolish thought: could local acid rain work as a ‘cloud’ of sorts or hazard tiles instead of as a weather function per se? You’ve probably already considered this; I’m pretty much talking to hear myself at this point[/quote]

Our weather people probably have; I haven’t personally and I know that high-level specific clouds (that one looks like a jabberwock!) aren’t at all implemented.

So I’m wondering if perhaps a nastier form of ground-level gas might be warranted.

Right now I’m not sure how we’d achieve that hypothetical (localized weather!) either. But I knew that a “blowout” was coming of as shoehorning in even more STALKER, so reframing to DDA spec.

I’d suspect a ground-level caustic cloud would damage gear much like acid (whole body; AEP/hazmat would probably resist; PA might not!); poisoning as gas and possibly a nastier version of smoke inhalation once your mask gives out. These would not be nice weather at all.

Presumably PA is designed with gas seals in mind, while first world nations don’t use gas anymore, we still train soldiers in the use and rapid deployment of gas masks, so it’s probable the suit is sealed with filters. That said, acid-proof, maybe not. (Slowly damage the armor mayhaps?) That said, it’d be nice to have some way of making it protected via “toxic seals” or something.

Well a way to make it more flexible is change it from Acidic Gas to “Corrosive” Gas. A Gas which interacts with organic matter be it, skin/flesh, Leather, Cotton(plant fibres) and such and having a detrimental or gradually degrading effect upon armour, health and HP. Could also make interactions like “Your Skin feels Really Itchy” reducing your Speed further or creating lesions on unprotected areas of your body which need to be disinfected or cauterized.

Additionally you could throw in that Zombie interacting with the gas over a longer period of time could become “Decayed” variants. Including the Wildlife… Which can lead to Antlered Horrors, Howing Horrors and Pouncing Horrors. Even throw in Fuzzy Horrors (Squirrels and Rabbits) for good measure :slight_smile:

This gives the player some options. They can potentially Layer their body with Sheets and extra clothing on their outer layer at the cost of Speed and Encumbrance as those outer layers gradually rot away. Invest in making or finding NBC suits/gas masks etc. Or hiding inside an intact vehicle or house, making sure to tape up the windows with ductape, superglue or rags to stop the gas leaking inside.

It’s all got potential to be a great game mechanic.

Ah that reminds me of good old Fruitpunch anomalies.

I’m sorry but I can’t let you do that insert name here. :stuck_out_tongue:

It wouldn’t work lore wise, here is why: The blob only fills a certain % of the body (4-8%) and revivification only happens after a WEIGHT limit is stepped over (for the blob present in the body). Squirrels and such small things don’t even have the needed bodymass to support the revivification simply because the blob can’t reach the needed mass in their bodies

Well, that’s an easy fix.

Fuzzy Jabberwockies! As adorable as it is murderous.

This, except I’d change it to just flesh and not leather and cotton.

Spitter zombies are incredibly annoying because of their armor damaging ability. Not dangerous (for non-fresh survivors), just very annoying.

Corrosive gas could check for item’s acid resistance to determine how well it protects (something like environmental protection * acid resistance / 10), but having gas actually damage items would be pure bother and tedium - currently all items are easy to repair, it just takes player action to do so.

Psychopaths wouldn’t love it. It’d just be really weird. You’re thinking of Loony Coco McCocoPuffs.

Psychic conundrum- Zombies become confused, animals become confused, you get a splitting headache, npcs become confused with a spitting headach… and doesn’t last the longest

If I want everybody confused and full of headaches in a hurry I’ll just commission my brother to write as many music genres as he can into one song, all playing simultaneously.

We hear a lot about this musical brother. I wonder if he can top Safe Haven (mp3 link) ?

Woo! Strange listening indeed! Here is We Aren’t Marketable by Jim.

But I realize I have gotten off topic, unless noise becomes a weather/event component somehow??

Is your brother Neil Cicierega?

Psychopaths wouldn’t love it. It’d just be really weird. You’re thinking of Loony Coco McCocoPuffs.[/quote]

I was thinking of cannibals if it’s human blood; they’d just look up and open their mouths for a free drink! For them it’s like it’s raining tomato soup!

Hmm… raining tomato soup… I’m not sure if I would be amused by this or just sit in the middle of the field for ten hours and contemplate the meaning of life before walking off a cliff.

But you’re getting drenched in tomato soup!

If it’s hot tomato soup then that would be amazing, especially if it’s been raining skunks beforehand.

But that would mean that… There is hot tomato soup-based neither-realm out there!

I don’t see what the issue is here.

But why would it be raining blood, and not something else? What makes blood so special, besides the fact that we’re making a reference to dwarf fortress?