So my main transport vehicle is basically the angriest hatchback ever conceived. I got really tired of having some random lah-dee-dah just waltz up and take stuff out of my car and getting a -100 morale penalty for taking it back, so I put some cargo locks on the hatch. Both of them.
Well I just had some random lah-dee-dah just waltz behind the car and open the hatch right in front of me. Even made a point to deliberately ignore the unlocked cargo racks directly attached to them to open the hatch and take the parts I was just about to install. Now I have a -100 morale penalty for taking it back.
My mobile fortress I keep all my other stuff in has a single door on it. It’s a hatch with a cargo lock. I spent upwards of three months building the vehicle. (Do you have any idea how much food that requires?) If I can’t even lock THAT, then at some point I’m just going to start going Postal on sight.
Is there something I’m not doing here? Cause I’ve tried absolutely everything I can think of, barring installing a freakin wall around the trunk every time I park, which would take at least 5 hours.