The idea is to add an camoflage effect to clothing,some should be better than others in certain terrains:Military gear like pants,jackets should have an above average camo quality in:Urban areas,forest and dry/desertic environments
Winter military gear should only work on snowy tiles
Ghillie suits should only work on tiles that are made of natural material (Like in the middle of a field or forest )the ghillie suits should have the normal and winter variants,the winter variants have better environmental protection and the best posible camo on an snowy,forestry environment ppl
This is how the camo system would work in my mind:it grabs the camo from your outher most clothing and rolls against the environment on a 5 tile radius around you,the Ligth of the place,the distance between you and the monster
depending on the camo or the clothing and the camo type you will get your camo value then it will mix with your dexterity and will be rolled against a monster perception
Example:A crouched guy using a ghillie suit and full military gear,at night on the forest with a uncovered atomic Ligth at his side and sleeping out in the open at a sleeping bag,you will be basically invisible because of the ghillie suit unless something just enter a tile directly adjacent to you.
another type of military gear:The night ops gear,it does the same thing as the military gear,it basically turns you into a shady zombie,can’t be seen in the dark even by shady zombies,in the day the thing makes you stand out like you where at night walking around on a flashlight,the helmet comes with a NVG or a TVG(thermal vision Google’s) built in it it also comes in versions that have the stats of the tactical helmet and the full tactical helmet having 4 variants to the helmet.
The camo value also changes depending on what you are holding this is why an item called ghillie neting will be added to cover your items,you can also paint an weapon stand out more or less,even to the point of becoming near invisible,you can also trow your invisibility cloak on your rifle to become invisible.
That’s all ma dudes