
the ability to make cake (i know it’s in the game, but i don’t think there’s a way to make one, sorry if there is) and the most important thing to add to the cake, making it a chance for the cake to have “a lie” scribbled on it in icing, or when you have one make that happen.

sorry if these things have been added to the game and im just a idiot.

But the cake is a lie.

Maybe have the cake say in the description that it gives 100 nutrition but actually gives 0.

It would be nice to make a cake recipe, I could probably whip one up right now. (Hee hee, cooking pun.)

Looked at the debug menu and there’s already cake in the game. Three types, no less. Not sure where they come from, as they’re not available for crafting.

I found a cake once. Never ate it, but kept it on a homemade chair in my base.

I could make one of them craftable or something. Two of them are sort of remnants from the pre-cataclysm days, but there’s one default cake.

EDIT: Here ya go

{ "type" : "recipe", "result": "cake2", "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_BREAD", "skill_used": "cooking", "difficulty": 4, "time": 20000, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ [ "hotplate", 16 ], [ "char_smoker", 2 ], [ "toolset", 1 ], [ "fire", -1 ] ], [ [ "pot", -1 ], [ "rock_pot", -1 ] ] ], "components": [ [ [ "flour", 4 ] ], [ [ "water", 2 ], [ "water_clean", 2 ] ], [ [ "sugar", 2] ] ] },

Just paste that into your recepies.json and enjoy cake.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:6, topic:6054”]I found a cake once. Never ate it, but kept it on a homemade chair in my base.[/quote] i found a cake once too, took it home and ate it


That would make a bland pancake at best.

It needs a leavening, or at the very least, well beaten and separated eggs, to make it rise/not flat; though it wouldn’t really work in IRL, powdered eggs would have to do.

That’s of course ignoring if baking is at all possible with either an open flame, hotplate, or grill, and a pot.

Well, I’m no cook. If you think it could be edited, feel free to change the values. I was thinking about adding powdered eggs as a requirement. On the subject of open flame cooking, I cobbled that code together from the bread recipe, assuming cake is cooked like a loaf of bread.

Alright, so assuming we’re making a sponge cake of some type (with powdered eggs no less), and that all hotplates in CATA have an oven attachment, the recipe would simply need to include powdered eggs and remove fire, smoker, and stone pots from tools. That’d still be quite a stretch, but eh, it’s not like suspension of disbelief is being stretched further in other places.

I know I plan to bake tons of cakes when the world ends.

It’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake!

You can make perfectly good cake without a proper oven. You can also make perfectly good cake without eggs. Baking a cake without a leavening agent, on the other hand, might be difficult.

[quote=“Aluminumfoil, post:14, topic:6054”]You can make perfectly good cake without a proper oven. You can also make perfectly good cake without eggs. Baking a cake without a leavening agent, on the other hand, might be difficult.[/quote]One time when we went to a church member’s house for lunch after church there was cake for dessert and it tasted kinda weird and was tough and thick or something, and I had no clue who made it. A little bit later my sister asked if I had tried the cake and I said, “yeah, and it was crappy” and the poor girl who made it was standing right there and ran from the room and I felt horrible.

Actually, soufflés, Angel Cakes, and those old Victorian-era sponge cakes use lots of beaten eggs (whites only for the first two, both parts separated for the latter) in lieu of leavening; it’s what makes them notoriously difficult in maintaining their “lift” and not collapse in on themselves, in popular media at least.

Hence, the sponge cake recipe I recommended above, which, I reiterate, would be near impossible to make unless the powdered eggs in CATA were conveniently stored in packs of whites and yolks only. And now that I’m at it, you’d need at least a spoon to beat those eggs to proper consistency. And I won’t even begin on that peculiar aftertaste you get from cakes that lack a spice/juice/extract/flavoring of some kind.
