Bug with crafting (i think)

Not sure how this can happen, as its the first time i see this.
I have been crafting Power Storage CBMs and:

Trying to put this plutonium(0) down, results in a segfault unless i drop it on an existing stack of plutonium.

Using catadda curses experimental: 0.B-1897-g2a99218

It actually segfaults even if i drop it over a stack plutonium, but it does not if i pick up some plutonium instead. It becomes plutonium(x) in my inverntory and then i can drop the whole stack of it down with no problems.

Segfaults and 0-charge items are obviously not acceptable, but we’re way past that version (try 2713, as of this posting). I’m gonna ask you to update to latest experimental and see if the problem recurs.

Thanks for checking up, in any event.

yep, i know bout the version…

will update soon and try to reproduce…


This was actually happening when dissasembling teleporters (teleporters being craftable in that version)

I noticed that teleporters were craftable with 3 power converters OR 5 plutonium cells.

So, i tested in the newer version with dissasembling inactive manhacks and inactive laser turrets since both need 1 power converter OR 1 plutonium cell.

Result: I could not reproduce the bug. These dissasemble correctly.

So, either someone knows why this happened in the first place,
or it is already fixed,
or wait and see if it will surface again in the future.

In the old version, i tried also to dissaseble inactive laser turrets, with no such bug.
I don’t know how to test it further sort of learning to how use a debugger and looking at it step by step while the code is running, but until it surfaces again it is irrelevant…

Well i got another idea: i added the old teleporter recipe to the new JSON thus enabling me to dissasemble it.
Result: No problem at all…
So this is fixed.