Bodypart Related Crash

Hi Guys,

I just ran into a consistent crash that seems to relate to a Corpse’ bodypart when I move toward it.

Below are the screenshots of the error messages:


Could anyone please help take a look and kindly enlighten me what’s the cause? Has anyone experience a similar crash?

Thanks for any kind of help in advance!

Looks like I made one typo and forgot to convert an old reference in a recent PR. I’ll try to fix it today

Thank you! I will look forward to it then.

Much appreciated for the kind help.

Do you have a save of before the crash? That would help a lot

yes I do, how do I upload it to you?

I thought this site only allow upload of Picture type files.

You cna make a bug report on github and put the save there

OK, I will try, just too many details to fill in…

Just created the Issue ticket.

Would really appreciate it if you could help take a look.

Thank you!

Nice, thanks

No, thank you haha. (20 characters)