Teleports to other planes of existence/places/times

Dark corners of the Earth style or maybe something else we discuss and add to our little game? =)

Lovecraft was a crap writer. But his ideas were great :slight_smile:


The true endgame would be finding a one use portal that takes you about 60 years into past. Effectively turning the end game into the most in-depth version of The Sims to date. lol

“Congratulations, you managed to die of old age before the Cataclysm started.”

More like “congratulations, you managed to be captured by the government for experimentation since you’re a bizarre cyborg squid man who suddenly appeared in new england in the eighties”


Diffrent folks diffrent strokes “You’ve managed to detonate multiple mini nukes in downtown New York. Congratulations, you’re the worst terrorist in American History”

BTW, what you said, that would be a great Dark Mirror episode. :+1:

Inb4 you yourself are the CAUSE of all that research in the first place :thinking:


That would actually be a cool ending if Cataclysm DDA was a story-driven game. Too many of those have happy endings for my tastes. It would be a classical paradox loop in time travel when the effect turns out to also be the cause. Still, Cataclysm is a sandbox so that’s probably not going to ever happen.

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I’d honestly make them a lab special that requires a mini reactor and other components to get working, but equipment is already there and ready to open.

Possibly with some kind of computer skill/hacking required.