Running 0.8420 on my shiny new Mac Powerbook 2018. Every game I’ve tried so far has crashed as soon as I’ve moved beyond what I’m guessing is the starting Overland map tiles.
I haven’t tried a thorough check to see if this is being caused by a particular mod yet, because I really don’t want to learn the cheat codes. So, first things first – is this a known bug?
Crash log reproduced below:
The program has crashed.
See the log file for a stack trace.
CRASH LOG FILE: /Users/amulkumar/Library/Application Support/Cataclysm/config/crash.log
VERSION: 0.C-36464-g60240b8
TYPE: Signal
MESSAGE: SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault
0 cataclysm-tiles 0x00000001083bd486 _Z21debug_write_backtraceRNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE + 38
1 cataclysm-tiles 0x00000001083667e8 _Z9log_crashPKcS0_ + 2040
2 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000108365e4a _Z14signal_handleri + 154
3 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff5a78cb3d _sigtramp + 29
4 ??? 0x00007ffee802ecd8 0x0 + 140732790926552
5 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010a062e95 _ZN7vehicle4stopEb + 837
6 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010a06bf76 _ZN7vehicle10act_on_mapEv + 1174
7 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000108e57a6c _ZN3map10vehproceedEv + 1148
8 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000108e56b34 _ZN3map7vehmoveEv + 660
9 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000108666bc7 _ZN4game7do_turnEv + 3415
10 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000108e04c9e main + 10718
11 cataclysm-tiles 0x0000000107bcf304 start + 52
12 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
Attempting to repeat stack trace using debug symbols...
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line