Portal storm question thread

Above is how to disable portal storm. It works for a going game. Save the game, exit, edit the json file, and it’s done. No portal storm from now on.

If you intend to try the portal storm for a bit anyway:

Firstly, for the current experimental, closing door is completely useless. The “person” can open doors. However, “person” can’t smash or push away furnitures. A bookshelf is what that can block “person” from entering your base. Other furnitures that block movement and LoS also work.

Secondly, furniture, however, is not actually fool proof. Sometimes, your character might be unable to push the furniture, due to disease or injury. The most safe way is to go underground before the real portal storm happen, then no portal storm monster will spawn at all. Combined with the fact that early portal storm doesn’t wake up your character, it is a good idea to sleep underground when it’s a time that portal storm can possibly happen. I also read on reddit about parking a vehicle in a way that blocks a passage or places the vehicle door against a wall. I haven’t tried that myself.

Thirdly, as I posted earlier, there’s a safe window after each portal storm, during which absolutely no portal storm would happen.

Lastly, what smashed through the boarded up window? This is very unusual, even for portal storm.