Need help with getting follower crafting recipes to work from construction json files or taking any good advice how to implement it

Fixed it but i am confused on how construction groups and categories work is there other files besides the jsons iv had it working before and now. I can copy from the data construction_group/construction_catagory files put it in my own files in my mod with different id’s and it doesn’t work

The values are all parsed by the Cpp code in /src/. It is not super difficult to ignore the stuff you don’t know and just look for the stuff you do know. Use search to find the places where the keywords that you know are in a list and you’ll likely find other similar stuff. That works a little better for me trying to learn with construction than it does with recipes. Recipes are more in the JSON than how construction is divided up. The syntax must be exactly correct. If you don’t know anything about Cpp, the .h files are where stuff gets declared for use elsewhere and the .cpp files are where the actual code for stuff happens. The .h files are the “header” files where you declare everything you want to do, like your variables and stuff. This code just does things much more efficiently than basic variables and stuff. If you can figure out the basics of JSON you can also figure out the basics of cpp enough to see how it relates 1:1 with the JSON.

Ok so my question at this point is. There are multiple cut grass constructions in the construction category menu. And i am curious, about the object rhats named group. Is there more information about that in .cpp and if so where

I think you are editing the running save file. All the documentation and info is about editing the source code. I’ve never played with android, but you should have an option for enabling the debug menu and you’ll be able to change the game however you want at that point, it just ruins the playing experience as designed if you do so. The groups entry is not part of the source JSON because that is your camp or whoever is associated with you. That might be the name of the randomly generated game world you created when you started the game. It means you’re editing something that you have discovered and are in possession of within the game. Changing stuff in this kind of way can likely cause all kinds of issues because you are bypassing a complex system that includes a timeline of everything you have seen and done. If you suddenly have something you should not have had, you break that timeline and history. It would be better for you to just use the debug menu so that it turns off the achievement system and so that the game knows where the thing came from without breaking everything else. You’re supposed to have a hard time and die often. That is part of the game and experience. Live life on the edge and just run with it.