More realistic survival

What about conditional hide effects to terrain furniture? Things like shrubs and desks already hide items, right? There’s a lot of emergent behaviour that could emerge out of that if it’s possible to do something like that for creatures.

If any actor is on top of a [shrub], and they have not moved since last turn, they cannot be seen by non-adjacent creatures.

Disable if the actor is “Large”.

Animals could use that to hide in the woods without being seen.
Wolves/Raptors could use that to clever girl your ass.
The player could use that to hide in the woods - or even make their own conditional hidey hole - but enemies could still find them by smell.

The player could even “hide under the table” in a last ditch effort to avoid notice by an enemy, Ripley style.

[quote=“Pantalion, post:21, topic:12384”]What about conditional hide effects to terrain furniture? Things like shrubs and desks already hide items, right? There’s a lot of emergent behaviour that could emerge out of that if it’s possible to do something like that for creatures.

If any actor is on top of a [shrub], and they have not moved since last turn, they cannot be seen by non-adjacent creatures.

Disable if the actor is “Large”.

Animals could use that to hide in the woods without being seen.
Wolves/Raptors could use that to clever girl your ass.
The player could use that to hide in the woods - or even make their own conditional hidey hole - but enemies could still find them by smell.

The player could even “hide under the table” in a last ditch effort to avoid notice by an enemy, Ripley style.[/quote]

Been suggested multiple times. A hack, so the team isn’t willing to introduce it.