LMOE start location (Not Sheltered)

I was thinking there could be a semi-expensive (point wise) way to start at a LMOE shelter at the beginning of the game, so I made a custom Scenario for it.
The price, and professions are changeable. As is the description.

“type”: “scenario”,
“ident”: “lmoe”,
“name”: “LMOE”,
“points” : 4,
“description”: “You saw this coming long before anyone else did. You scraped together what money you had left to buy a remote Last Man on Earth shelter, but couldn’t save your family.”,
“start_name”: “LMOE”,
“professions” : [“unemployed”, “survivalist”, “bow_hunter”, “naturalist”, “winter_survivor”, “national_guard”, “blackbelt”, “blackbelt_intermediate”, “bionic_spy”, “bio_soldier”, “bionic_firefighter”, “bionic_thief”, “gangster”, “specops”, “sheltered_survivor”, “bionic_prepper”],
“allowed_locs” : [“lmoe”]

EDIT: Deleted edit

I’ll just say what somebody else KA101 is probably going to say and tell you to make a pull request on github so it can be implemented.

How does one do so?

I’m fairly new to github but the basic process looks something like this:

First off you’ll want to go to the github: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA
Step two would be to make an account or login.
Step three is to make your own fork, right below the Sign In button is one labeled Fork which makes a copy that’s under your own account.

You would then modify this new fork of the game with your changes.
Afterwards you go back into CleverRaven’s github (linked above) and go to Pull Requests on the right side, make a new one and find your fork in the comparison list and then submit the PR.

If I’m horribly wrong, somebody will probably correct me pretty soon.

[quote=“Weyrling, post:4, topic:8877”]I’m fairly new to github but the basic process looks something like this:

First off you’ll want to go to the github: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA
Step two would be to make an account or login.
Step three is to make your own fork, right below the Sign In button is one labeled Fork which makes a copy that’s under your own account.

You would then modify this new fork of the game with your changes.
Afterwards you go back into CleverRaven’s github (linked above) and go to Pull Requests on the right side, make a new one and find your fork in the comparison list and then submit the PR.

If I’m horribly wrong, somebody will probably correct me pretty soon.[/quote]

Not so horribly. Our write-up on contributing might be helpful: CONTRIBUTING.md.

Vital step that can make the difference between me merging you, cuing pyros, welcome to the open-source community, mention in Latest experimental features., warm fuzzies, etc OR the Baleful Frown, “KA101 removed their assignment”, FAIL : clone your web-based repo to your local computer, make the new branch and the changes there, TEST THEM ON YOUR END, and then commit/upload/PR.

JSON PRs such as this are fairly easy to write up (balancing, not so much, especially something like the LMOE which can come loaded to the gills, barren, or in between–but that’s a separate post), and also easy to screw up the syntax and formatting.

Exclusive use of the web interface is notorious for spacing things Weirdly and making the code tougher to read, and chances are you didn’t actually put your web-only PR through its paces, since it was never actually resident in your DDA.

Actually put your PR through what it’s supposed to do (start a game and chose the profession, in this case). If the parser stops you with Angry Pink Text, read and fix.

Folks who don’t do this sometimes submit PRs that are full of JSON errors, which wastes dev time when we’re checking you for merge. Wasting our time is not optimal.

I’m an odd duck, but I test things on my end while also using the web interface instead of the local repo. You should probably just listen to KA101 anyway, but the way I do it is, I make the edits to my local CDDA folder (not so much a repo as just the latest version of the game), test it, debug it, and then copypasta the contents of the edited JSONs to a forked CDDA repo, and preview changes to make sure no weirdness happened. Only then do I submit a pull request.

It’s perfectly possible to do this (especially with slow connection not permitting frequent pull-upstream-push-origin updates), but it’s still much, much more effective to clone - for example, web interface doesn’t permit modifying multiple files per commit, as far as I know. I suggest TortoiseGit when using Windows.