Hey guys, I’ve just started playing with NPCs and I have some questions, mostly for the early game, but feel free to share as much as you know.
What combination of combat rules/commands should I look to use most of the time? I’m asking for both melee and ranged. Is it wise to give NPCs both options? Will it just be a load of noise and a waste of ammo? Are they already designed to save ammunition for, let’s say, shocker brutes, instead of unloading full-auto into a nearly dead crawling zombie?
Are there enemies or actions they prioritize(or don’t, for better or for worse) in some common scenarios that would be good to know about? Can I give an NPC a crossbow, set their pickup rules to loot the bolts and they’ll safely pick them back up without needing extra babysitting? Will they insist on a slow-reload, when they can use the shoulder strap on the crossbow, unsheathe their machete and better defend themselves? To what extent do I need to be aware of things like these?
Also, what’s a good early game weapon I can craft for an NPC that start’s with none, or something like a butcher knife. Are there any good stats or weapon properties I should look to give an NPC? How effectively can they use spears and such for reach attacks? I’m assuming a good balance of protection and encumbrance for armor is what I’m looking for on the defensive side of things.
Are there any items, tasks or things in general that I should absolutely not trust an NPC for? How about any surprisingly useful purposes?
And what’s a good, fun, balanced setting for NPC spawns? I’d like to see an NPC every so often. Maybe every 2-3, maybe 4 towns. Will dynamic spawns end up being a pain in the ass? As much fun as the game is, I don’t want to have keep adjusting values and remaking worlds and having to play it for a while, only to regret the world settings later.
I like to be as optimal as I can be while having fun and role-playing as I would in situations the Cataclysm puts me into. I’d also like to know any set-ups you guys have used with success, since I’m sure it would help me figure other things out too. ANY advice, especially for min/maxing, is GREATLY appreciated!