Depository for up to date pre-compiled windows builds?

Hi new to these forums and apologize if this question seems out of place. I am loving Cataclysm:DDA v0.3, recently I have found some newer versions of the game around the web already pre-compiled for windows and these run beautifully on my pc.

I constantly read the commit history and see all these new features being added and wonder to myself if there is some place that has up to date pre-compiled windows version of the game. I have tried Git and use it to some extent but I cannot get it to look as good as the releases I have been playing, so either I am looking for newer versions of these compiled windows versions or perhaps some advice on making the Cygwin/Git version to look as similar as it can.

I would love to use the Git version more but as I say It just rapes my eyeballs with it’s squashed text and weird colors that are different to what I’m used to, I have also fiddled with Cygwin’s font options and find them to be no help.

Thank you for any assistance on this.

I think this is the simplest way to get the latest builds on Windows:

One-time setup

  1. Install MinGW using the MinGW&Msys Method.
  2. After that, install GitHub for Windows
  3. Go to the repository in your browser and click the “Clone in Windows” button. The GitHub application will then install the repository in your GitHub folder (which can be changed in the Tools settings)

To update source files from GitHub

  1. Right-click the repository in Github for Windows and click “Open”
  2. Click the “Sync” button at the top

To build cataclysm.exe

  1. Run MinGW

  2. Change directory to your cataclysm-dda folder. For me, this command is

A shorter way of doing this is by typing "cd " and then dragging the link to the folder in your Favorites pane onto the open MinGW window. Make sure that path is in quotation marks or the command will fail

  1. Type this command and press Enter:


This is exactly what i was after, doing the steps led me to a latest version that I can play without squinting my eyes in horror.

Mainly it was the dirt, that damn yellow dirt plus it runs much better than the Cygwin version.

Thanks again.

Oddly enough, I could not get this method to work. I used the codeblocks method. (Same steps for github, but you use codeblocks to compile it).

I got sick of windows being slow and crashy, So i went and scrapped a 70GB hdd and put ubuntu on it just for cataclysm :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no need to use an extra HD or partition if you want to use linux for small tasks like this.

Use any of the builds of Puppy Linux (although slacko is the main build, and the most often updated) and install it to an USB drive. Next time you want to use linux just boot from your pendrive and you’re set.

Once installed and booted you’ll need to also install the latest compatible devx. This one is for the current version of slacko (5.5):
I also had to reinstall git from the puppy pet manager for it to work.

Puppy linux is a great small distro overall. Check it out.

[quote=“kenoxite, post:6, topic:639”]There’s no need to use an extra HD or partition if you want to use linux for small tasks like this.

Use any of the builds of Puppy Linux (although slacko is the main build, and the most often updated) and install it to an USB drive. Next time you want to use linux just boot from your pendrive and you’re set.

Once installed and booted you’ll need to also install the latest compatible devx. This one is for the current version of slacko (5.5):
I also had to reinstall git from the puppy pet manager for it to work.

Puppy linux is a great small distro overall. Check it out.[/quote]

Looks quite interesting, however I already have a working Linux distriubution setup on a different drive.
I have done similar things before but it does not quite cut it, the game saves/loads slow and is generally slower simply because it is running over usb.
Since I don’t have USB3.0 (probably never will) I don’t see much of a point in a portable version.