Butchering in 0.E+

Well, a recent pull request changed the way butchering works.
That the item browser shows the brick kiln as (the only) object with surface quality is owed to unfortunate naming of the pseudo items related to the qualities and probably an oversight of @KorGgenT.
Also, I’m not sure if the item browser would even be able to process furniture and terrain qualities.

The items that can be used as a surface (based on the pull request) are:

  • closed counter gate (Surface 2)
  • desk (Surface 2)
  • metal table (Surface 2)
  • table (Surface 2)
  • tourist table (Surface 2)
  • fiber mat (Surface 3)
  • leather tarp (Surface 3)
  • plastic groundsheet (Surface 3)
  • workbench (Surface 3)