Arc welder in vehicle welding rig magically becomes a cable

I tried to use the arc welder of a vehicle welding rig to repair an item. Something very strange happened.

  • Install a vehicle welding rig to car
  • Examine vehicle welding rig
  • Select ‘Use arc welder’
  • I get ‘Using cable: Attach lose end to vehicle’ ???

Why would the arc welder magically become a cable?

Version: 0.F-3649-g0ad2fdd302

The new appliance plug in ability broke some stuff but a pr has already been made to fix it so it should be fine in the next day or two. Actually, in the 15 minutes since I made this post the fix got added! :rofl: So, if you go get a new version of the game once it finishes compiling in 30-45 minutes you’ll be good to go.