A zombie died out of nowhere

Here’s a strange bug that happened to me in the android version of the game.

I was scavenging in a house,on a city,when all of the suddenly A shocker zombies attacked me with a electric wave,he was on another house where i killed some zombies,i was going to attack him with my bow but i accidentally Hold the my finger on the screen and skipped my turn,the electric zombies,on a very hurted state,moved to a empty window with a corpes and then it died;There wasn’t nothing blunting on the floor or either in the budy,there wasn’t any kind of NPC Close it just died,and that he was on a very hurted stated it wasnt nearly dead,that Mob just died out of nowhere…

Windows with broken glass can hurt zombies, are you sure it wasn’t a broken window?

Segurisimo,There wasn’t no broken glasses,i chekced,estoy seguro…