I can not seem to get the cdda main page at all. It keeps telling me server not found. Does anyone know what is going on?
This is likely to be unhelpful, but are you sure you’ve got the correct address?
It all seems to work well for me.
Tried the link and got the same error message again. This is frustrating.
Tried it in firefox, chrome, and explorer. Came up with the same error.
It is working fine for me but admittedly a twenty-five minute time lapse was had. It’s possible the thing went down temporarily?
Well, if its still not working, I figured I could help you by posting the main page links.
Linux Curses
Windows Terminal
MAC curses
Linux Curses
Windws Terminal
The Irc: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#CataclysmDDA
The repository: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA
I can not seem to get the cdda main page at all. It keeps telling me server not found. Does anyone know what is going on?
Use any anonymiser in case if for some reason the site was blocked in your country ('cos government is stupid when it comes to the Internet)
I recommend your https://iphide.info
Or you can just use ToR or I2P.