most skills dont really have value after level 10. survival is not useful after level 5.
i think we need to make skills more fine grained. so each level adds less, but you can keep getting better above 10. i think we should have caps at 50 or 100. yes you can get skills to any level now but it doesn’t do anything.
- each level you gained helps less than now.
- gaining at lower levels is a little easier, but slows down as you go up
- for crafting and survival, add % chance to make better items so even if you can ‘craft’ all items by a certain level, they won’t necessarily have that high of a chance of being great items
- will make skill rust more effective, since with more levels you really can’t be good at everything.
I think most people turn skill rust off, cause they find it annoying. However, if you dont have a way to limit all skills, you turn into rambo and everybody basically is the same. So as an alternative to skill rust, how about this?
- more total skill points you get, the harder it is to raise ALL skills.
- combine this with getting harder to raise skills at higher level. So if you want to be great at melee and you pick up other skills, then your melee not only gets harder to raise at high levels, its harder to raise cause your good at other stuff too.
- special combat bonuses at high skill for that type of item. so really high melee increases chance of ‘critical’ (see weapon proficiencies below) and so on.
- forces more specialization and adds to the roguelike feel. so you can play with different play styles each time.
Weapon Proficiencies:
add weapon proficiencies more detailed than what we have. if you use one type of gun alot and one type of melee alot you get skill in that weapon on top of and above what we have now. again, forces more ‘specialization’. so you can try different things everytime you play. higher proficiencies incresae chances of criticals for that weapon only.