Character Builds + First Moves

Regular post apocalyptic potential mutant ninja.




-Night Vision
-Fast Reader
-Light Step
-Robust Genetics
-Self Defense Classes (Always chose Ninjutsu , ALWAYS)


-Poor Hearing
-Addictive Personality
-Trigger Happy
-Truth Teller


-Chain Somoker

My setting for every char so far:



Positive (3)

• Night Vision
• Robust Genetics

Negative (12)

• Heavy Sleeper
• Lightweight
• Addictive Personality
• Trigger Happy
• Weak Stomach
• Wool Allergy
• Truth Teller
• Ugly

No matter if going melee (a Katana rocks, If you happen to find one) or ranged (G36 is nice …) or whatever … with flavoured mutagens and a bit of luck + planning -> yeah!

I think I’ll make a martial arts char next, if the current one dies. (Which is only possible if I act totally stupid.)

You know, I’m seeing a theme here. Min maxing. I’m guilty of it too though.

Well I don’t use skills but… this can be a very powerful archer in the recent builds

Name: A very smart archer

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 8
Perception: 8

Positive traits:

Fast Reader
Fast Learner
Robust Genetics

Negative traits:
Heavy Sleeper
Glass Jaw
Addictive personality(I don’t use drugs)
Trigger Happy
Truth Teller

Chain Smoker

No skills

And that’s it

you dont need survival. its a waste. you can throw rocks at rabbits and very quickly butcher your way to level 2.

My favorite build is modelled after Vincent Price’s character in The Last Man on Earth, which is itself a film adaptation of I Am Legend (

Chain smoker or Lab Assistant (Vincent Price’s character is a scientist, but in the original story, he was a mill worker). Average strength (8), higher Deterity (10), Intelligence and Perception very high (12)

Disease Resistant
Robust Genetics
Sometimes Poison Resistant

Usually I also take Fleet-Footed, Quick, and Night Vision

Negative traits to balance that out (usually Insomniac, Heavy Sleeper, perhaps Truth Teller, Lightweight, etc. – nothing too crippling for an “Average Joe” kind of guy)

I usuallly drop a point in Mechanics for convenience.

I have my game set to allow max points, but I usually don’t spend them all.

The Most Inappropriately Elated Son-of-a-Gun in the Apocalypse [0.6 git with optimist and morale changes]


Str: 4
Dex: 4
Int: 20
Per: 11


Fast Reader

Heavy Sleeper
Poor Hearing
Trigger Happy
Wool Allergy
Truth Teller

Profession: Chain Smoker
Skills: none

First Moves: Break Locker, get pipe, craft crowbar, pray for an easily reachable rubber hose and craft slingshot and ammo. Find books, preferably books with +4 fun. Read books one after another until 75 in 3 to 5 books, getting 230 to 327 morale with related speed and stat bonuses. Juggle books to keep values relatively high (>+50), enjoy fast focus regen and speed boost while alive.
Edit: Seems like there are only three books which give +4 fun (drama, fantasy, mystery). Changed numbers.

[quote=“Raital, post:27, topic:1704”][i]Skills: none

First Moves: Break Locker, get pipe, craft crowbar[/i][/quote]

Aren’t you supposed to have 1 mecha skill before crafting those?

[quote=“woflsipder, post:28, topic:1704”][quote=“Raital, post:27, topic:1704”][i]Skills: none

First Moves: Break Locker, get pipe, craft crowbar[/i][/quote]

Aren’t you supposed to have 1 mecha skill before crafting those?[/quote]

Not in experimental.

Since I am horrible at this game, I like to make very strong characters, so I set my points at startup to 24 and max trait points to startup.
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 7
Intelligence: 8
Perception: 14

Positive Traits:
Fleet Footed
Fast Healer
Pain Resistant
Night vision
Fast Learner
High Adreniline
Robust Genetics
Martial Arts Training (Karate)

Negitive traits:

Near sighted
heavy sleeper
poor hearing
glass jaw
forgetful (no skill rust FTW)
Trigger Happy
Weak stomach
Truth teller

Profession: Overpowered Mc’Scoundril

Dodge **
melee **
unarmed combat **
archery ****
computers ** (extra points)
cooking **
survival **

with this build, you could trade either computers or cooking skill for swimming. You’ll see why soon.

Check map, try and get a map with a river near a town.Step 1: (skip if you took swimming skill) Go to river train swimming to 1 (also, giant mosquetos don’t fly over water :D) Step 2: Make longbow, take ~ 150 arrows. Step 3: luer zombies to river coast Step 4: Stand in the river so it is like Z~@ and pelt with arrows, and get tons of lootz.
Pshh. And they said swimming was useless.

I try to create a “ME!” character, what with my ego and all. It has been a fun one to play. I’m not at my PC, so the numbers may be slightly off… but what the hell.

STR: 10
DEX: 9
INT: 14
PER: 9 (because landmines are evil)


  • Optimist
  • Quick learner
  • High andrenaline


  • Heavy sleeper
  • Near-sighted
  • Truth teller
  • Glass jaw
  • Forgetful
  • Lightweight

No profession. T-shirt and jeans all the way. (I’d prefer a dress shirt)


It’s a nice start, and I enjoy feeling like I’m playing as “me”. Haven’t had any issues with this build (except for when I tried perception of 8. You become significantly worse at spotting traps with that.)

I start off by making myself a nail board, or rarely a pointy stick. Then I carefully head into the closest town, and focus (For the first two days or so) on making sure I have good clothes/bags/food. From there on, I try to systematically clear the town, destroy wasp nests and prepare “trap nests” to lure enemies into. About a week in I start preparing a semi-temporary shelter with all the necessities. If I find books or guns, I try to organize them neatly on counters/shelves.

Skill is always be improved if i use, but STATS are not. so i put almost every point to stat. and think this is very useful at later on.


STR : 14 (10 if you wanna be firearm or archery type)
DEX : 10
INT : 14
PER : 10 (14 if you wanna be firearm or archery type)


  • Night Vision(1pt) : For night venture and initiative at dark.
  • Animal Empathy(1pt) : For EZ hunting. XD
  • Heavy Sleeper(1pt)
  • Lightweight(1pt)
  • Addictive Personality(3pt)
  • Trigger Happy(2pt) (Choose Insomniac if you are firearm type)
  • Chemical Imbalance(2pt)
  • Wool Allergy(1pt)
  • Truth Teller(2pt)


None, and i hope more to be added. Like biker, runaway soldier, wannabe survivalist.



Because of noskillatastart.status you should look for skill book. but go direct to library is death sentence.
set your home base at nearest outskirt home and should prepare to slash or smash some
green(or not) corpses. Once you get some skill books from library(or mansion if you face empty .44 magnum)
, gather some food and drink to keep you study hard :slight_smile:

[quote=“DWC, post:15, topic:1704”]I’ve taken to making series of survivors.

The first guy, is mediocre but well rounded, with a point in every useful skill. I use him to scavenge up books and useful items and set up a base of operations.

Next guy has a lot of unbalanced traits, no skills, high attributes and I walk him over to the first guy’s safehouse to sit around and eat all his food and read books and craft stuff, work on the cars until he is a beastly renaissance man, equip him with the fine weapons and equipment gathered by the first guy then then send him forth in search of monsters to destroy.

Considering a combat oriented version of the first guy to make a sort of semi- disposable soldier that can go to the stockpile, grab up a pile of guns and stuff and go do dangerous assaults and explore hostile places without it being too much of a lost investment of time of he bites the dust in the process.[/quote]
Dude that sounds awesome! It’s kind of like playing with a a group of survivors, yet you control all of them xD. It would be cool if you could play like this with NPC’s when they are fixed/improved, but I think I’m going to have to try this out (Maybe to make it a little more balanced I’ll reduce the amount of trait points for each character a bit).

[quote=“Moral Grey Area, post:16, topic:1704”]NO ONE KNOCK MY SETUP UNTIL YOU TRY IT.
Unarmed: **********[/quote]

I tried it, and it was a good early-game build. Ran into a zombie hulk and successfully blocked his attacks until both arms were broken. Then he crushed the character like a beer can. That’s what we call a roguelike game success!

From now on, whenever I’m inebriated and want to play, I’ll make a character like this and just run around punching zombies.

also something good to add to this if it isn’t already dead would be what sort of items do you look for pertaining to your skill/traits?