Vehicle Professions Mod (Outdated, Only for Stable 0.F or Late 0.E Experimental)

im being dumb sorry lol

Great news!

Eir’s Roadrage mod has been integrated into main, being a part of the game now!
see here:

This Mod is now currently only recommended for Late 0.E experimental. or Stable 0.F Frank.

keep in mind experimental 0.F has it already integrated so no need to use that anymore if you are on experimental.

a great Thank you to Casswedson for making the PR to integrate this fine mod!

I will provide an update for my Other mods aswell and their current usability state, please stand by…

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I feel that the point cost of Park ranger might be a bit high, considering it’s the highest cost in the game at 9 points, higher than even any of the prepper or bionic professions and more points than you start with.

While it does have lots of good gear and a working vehicle the skills don’t seem that high on top of those to make it worth more than literally any other profession in the game, though it should of course still be a high point cost at ~7 or 8 imo

IMO i made sure it was very balanced. i based the cost on the useful camper gear + the usefulness of a pickup, which is one of the best early vehicles at good health+ a handgun, a Park Ranger has the best possible start with all that. one could add proficencys for Park ranger but i couldnt find good material that tells us what proficencys they should have. if you know any, you should bring it up to the cata github and make a pr for it!

ok, i still think it should be an 8 not a 9 just compared to having a very lategame character at 8 as well (bionic prepper) tho proficiencies would make it a little more worth it

you can edit the json yourself then, as this is already integrated in maingame, i am not working on it as mod anymore.